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Firmware OCTAGON SX88 v1.04.16 Eu
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Firmware OCTAGON SX88 v1.04.16 Eu


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Firmware OCTAGON SX88 v1.04.16 Eu

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  • octagon_sx88_sw_eu_v10416_300817.rar 19,02 MB

Firmware Octagon SX88 vom 30.08.2017

- Tuner sensivity improved
- OSD Lang. updated (strings)
- xtream code subtitle fix.
- modified stalker font size bigger
- fixed weather search some key words not working problem
- added epg for detailed info menu
- fixed google video url longer than 512 bytes problem
- fixed google video redirect lost cookie problem
-added webtv subtitle support - update av.ko try to fix HDMI lost signal problem
- improve player http cookie, support multiple cookies

PIN 6363 Menü - Einstellungen: PIN 6363 --> CAM Setting (unten - bottom)
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