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Datei Informationen

  • Autor wova
  • Uploaded 17.03.2015, 20:26
  • Letzte Update 17.03.2015, 20:26
  • Kategorie Plugins E2
  • Gesamt Downloads 226


  • enigma2-plugin-extensions-dreamplex_2.1.0_all.deb 1,73 MB
  • enigma2-plugin-extensions-dreamplex_2.1.0_all.ipk 1,74 MB

Mehr von diesem Benutzer

Changelog for 2.1.0:
enhanced library refresh for all types of content
updadte danish language -> thx to victordk
implemented dircet local mapping helper
autoswitch between HD and FHD with default skin reagarding the active skin on the box
added new picons -> big thx to maggy
added radio button for user with no audio button as well for audio menu
added FHD version of default skin => big thx to iamwar
added summerize server for myPlex connection
implemented filter in server menu (press number keys)
changed update location to sourceforge
added home user feature (with myPlex or local auth active)
several fixes and internal impovements for remote player
made DreamPlex compatible with DM7080 and OE2.2
implemented subtitle handler for direct local
added use forced subs in direct local mode
added subtitle handler for direct local (renames automatically to e2 format eg. xxxx.en.srt => xxxx.srt) >>> enable in server settings
implemented exit function behavior as param in settings (nothing, stop playing, continue playing)
implemented heartbeat for transcoder sessions to stay alive while pausing
added option for searchWhilePlaying
added french translation (big thx to olive069)
tons of bugfixes
tons of small tweaks

tons of other stuff i cant remember but they are good to be implemented

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