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Datei Informationen

  • Autor wova
  • Uploaded 10.08.2014, 14:10
  • Letzte Update 27.01.2015, 20:36
  • Kategorie Plugins E2
  • Gesamt Downloads 78


  • enigma2-plugin-extensions-dreamplex_2.0-rc.4_all.ipk 715,7 KB

Mehr von diesem Benutzer

- updated german translation
- fixed hopefully renderer and syncer now for all types
- fixed gs in player if player not ready
- fixed filtermode
- hopefully fixed import error in some images
- fixed gs in music section
- horizontal menu now hides unused elements
- added version tag to images (no need to auto delete images anymore *read note)

*note: we are not deleting them but we also dont need them. so every user has to take care on its own ot delete the content of /hdd/dreamplex/medias installing dreamplex 2.0 the very first time

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