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Datei Informationen

  • Autor johan36
  • Uploaded 30.12.2022, 09:58
  • Letzte Update 30.12.2022, 11:54
  • Kategorie Sendereditoren
  • Gesamt Downloads 68



Mit dem Kanal-Editor von Sony können Sie die Reihenfolge Ihrer Kanalliste über Ihren Computer bearbeiten. Dieses benutzerfreundliche Tool ist einfach zu bedienen. Folgen Sie einfach diesen drei Schritten:

Laden Sie die Liste von Ihrem Fernseher auf einen USB-Stick
Bearbeiten Sie die Senderliste auf Ihrem Computer
Laden Sie sie wieder auf Ihren Fernseher

(Java, usb-stick erforderlich)

How to use the tool

You can modify the channel list of your TV in three simple steps:

  1. Export the channel list from your TV.
  2. Modify the channel list on your computer.
  3. Import the modified channel list to your TV.

Note:New channels, added by the broadcaster, will not automatically sync with the current channel list in your TV Guide. To receive the latest channels, please retune your TV before sorting your programmes again using the Sony Channel Editor.
For more information, please follow the steps below.
  1. Exporting the channel list from your TV:
    • Insert an external USB memory into a USB port on your TV.
      a) For Sony’s Android models go to:
      [Home] → [Settings] → [Channel Setup] → [Digital setup] → [Technical Set-up] → [Program List Transfer] → [Export]
      b) For Sony’s non-Android models go to:
      [Home] → [Settings] → [System Settings] → [Channel Set-up] → [Digital Set-up] → [Technical Set-up] → [Program List Transfer] → [Export]
    • A file called “sdb.xml” will be copied onto your external USB memory.

  2. Modifying the channel list on your computer:
    • Insert the external USB memory with “sdb.xml” into a USB port on your computer.
    • Launch the Channel Editor tool and open “sdb.xml”.
    • Re-order the programmes in your channel list.
    • Save your modified channel list onto “sdb.xml” in the external USB memory.

  3. Importing the channel list to your TV:
    • Insert the external USB memory with the modified “sdb.xml” into a USB port on your TV.
      a) For Sony’s Android models go to:
      [Home] → [Settings] → [Channel Setup] → [Digital setup] → [Technical Set-up] → [Program List Transfer] → [Import]
      b) For Sony’s non-Android models go to:
      [Home] → [Settings] → [System Settings] → [Channel Set-up] → [Digital Set-up] → [Technical Set-up] → [Program List Transfer] → [Import]
    • You will have the new channel list after your TV reboots.

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