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Cobra 1.67


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Cobra 1.67

Datei Informationen

  • Autor
  • Uploaded 15.10.2014, 11:01
  • Letzte Update 14.12.2014, 13:27
  • Kategorie Firmware
  • Gesamt Downloads 189


  • cobra_01.67.zip 397,6 KB

Mehr von diesem Benutzer

Cobra 1.67

Changes since version 1.66:

- Displaying the Fuse Byte of NDS VideoGuard SmartCards inside the SmartCard Info menu (seeFAQ on how to determine whether your SmartCard is paired)
- Default mode for BetaCrypt tunnel SmartCards (S02/D02/A02/P02) is now BetaCrypt (for proper entitlements reading)
- Fixed wrong ECM PID selection for some TNTSAT channels with double 030B00 provider ECM PID (without breaking ‘Ant1 Europe’)
- FW update without previously clearing the CAM (or factory resetting it) could permanently disable EMM

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