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PKTeam Hyperion 6.2 AX HD51


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PKTeam Hyperion 6.2 AX HD51

Datei Informationen

  • Autor sq9
  • Uploaded 02.11.2018, 11:25
  • Letzte Update 02.11.2018, 11:25
  • Kategorie Images
  • Gesamt Downloads 204


  • ax51_GIT-21696_PKT-3890_all.zip 253,57 MB

Mehr von diesem Benutzer

PKT Hyperion 6.2 svn3890

- OE-Alliance 4.2
- GStreamer 1.14.4
- Python 2.7.13
- actual base
- current drivers
- [4k] where is posible: HBBTV enabled
- where is posible: KODI enabled
- where is posible: STALKER enabled
- new packages
- cleared and optimized
- search DVB-T by Polish Cities - available: Białystok, Bydgoszcz, Ciechanów, Częstochowa, Elbląg, Gdańsk, Giżycko, Iława, Jelenia Góra, Kalisz, Katowice, Kielce, Koszalin, Kraków, Lębork, Lublin, Łomża, Łódź, Międzyzdroje, Olsztyn, Piła, Poznań, Radom, Siedlce, Suwałki, Szczecin, Warszawa, Wrocław, Zakopane, Zamość, Zielona Góra
- new plugin: PKT_FlashExtender - extend flash to USB or HDD
- new plugin: PKT_SetDiskLabel - set partition label using remote
- automatic instalation E2iPlayer with tools and libs (if free space is avaliable)
- automatic instalation mc and htop (if free space is avaliable)
- show locale in bash - gets from GUI settings
- clean unused languages (if you need)
- OpenMultiBoot fix and update
- [AX51/Mutant51/ZgemmaH7] - unlock write image to STARTUP_1 in Install Manager
- [AX51/Mutant51/ZgemmaH7] - unlock clone running image to other STARTUP in Backup Manager
- [all 4k] - optimize make backup
- [Zgemma H9] - default enable Phoenix drivers
- add j00zek addon - THX j00zek
- a lot of fixes and updates
- update Polish translation - BIG THANKS to @ami68 and @sq9

Special THX OE-alliance and all betatesters.

FTP login: root, passwd: pkteam

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