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ET10000 Bootloader


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ET10000 Bootloader

Datei Informationen

  • Autor
  • Uploaded 07.07.2014, 09:19
  • Letzte Update 17.01.2015, 18:12
  • Kategorie Images
  • Gesamt Downloads 84


  • cfe-et10000.zip 159,8 KB

Mehr von diesem Benutzer

To flash a bootloader:

name the file et10000-cfe.bin and place it in a et10000 folder.

Add a 'splash.bin' if you wish.

Create an 'imageversion' file, with a suitable name in it.

Now when the box indicates it found something on the usb stick, press the CH 'down' key (instead of the 'up' key which you would normally use to flash an image).

This procedure is identical to bootloader for et8000/et9x00/et6x00/et5x00/et4x00

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