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Datei Informationen

  • Autor McFlyVirus
  • Uploaded 21.09.2016, 14:34
  • Letzte Update 21.09.2016, 14:34
  • Kategorie BWare RX
  • Gesamt Downloads 190


  • V1764_GPRS_SCART_BWARE_RX8900_LEDF_MK.rar 6,94 MB

Mehr von diesem Benutzer

Beware RX8900 Firmware vom 21.09.2016

Log: Some modifications are list below:

1. media center -> record manage -> play,

media center -> movie -> play,

net center -> entertainment -> play any movie and tv serires, to press “FAV” key will call goto menu now

2. net center -> entertainment -> play any movie and tv serires, to press “SUBTL” key will call subtitle menu(if have subtile), you can change subtitle when playing.

3. net center -> entertainment -> play any movie and tv serires, to press “RED” key will call aspect ratio menu, you can change aspect ratio when playing.

4. net center -> entertainment -> play any movie and tv serires, will not occur "Data Error" now, it will keep on reconnecting when play failed.

5. local IPTV, add delete all function, press green key to delete all IPTV channels saved in flash.

6. DVB_C should work in RX8900

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