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NEU !! Openvix 5.0.023 für OS Mini Plus vom 14.07.2017


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NEU !! Openvix 5.0.023 für OS Mini Plus vom 14.07.2017

Datei Informationen

  • Autor tka12345
  • Uploaded 20.07.2017, 23:08
  • Letzte Update 20.07.2017, 23:08
  • Kategorie Edision OS Mini+
  • Gesamt Downloads 23


  • openvix-5.0.023.release-osminiplus_usb.rar 53,72 MB

"Noforce" wurde in "Force" umbenannt !!
Ordner einfach auf USB-Stick / FAT32 Formartiert drauf ziehen.
Davor Box vom Strom trennen ( Kippschalter Rückseite ).
Dann Stick einstecken egal wo an der Box.
Dann den ( Kippschalter ) einschalten.
Das Image startet Automatisch !!

OpenViX 5.0 is based on the OE-Alliance v4.0 core. You cannot perform an online update if you are currently on OpenViX 4.x or older.
You can download and then flash the newer images using the USB method or simply by using Image Manager.
You can restore settings and plugins from OpenViX 4.2 series images after you have flashed the image. This will restore most things to how you had them before.
So what is different in OpenViX 5.0 then?
OpenViX 4.2 build 030 was the final build in the 4.2 series.

The numbering of the image series has been segregated from the branch of the OE-Alliance the image is built from. So as time moves on and things get updated/new branches created, we will bump the numbers to suit. This will prevent online updates when a reflash is required.
As with previous images, the main differences are core of the image or the OE (Open Embedded). This has undergone a lot of changes, updates and fixes. As a user you should not notice many differences between previous images and OpenViX 5.0 (i.e. there are not many functional differences.)
GUI resize/position redesigned to make it clearer and easier. (Thanks to Isoz)
New change log system. Change log is clearer and info is read directly from GitHub api.
Multi-stream support (this requires multistream capable hardware, for e.g.: TBS USB Tuners, SF4008).
Multitype tuner support (this requires combo tuners, for e.g.: OS Mini+, OS Mega).
ATSC support.
Restore process now also restores plugins that are on the plugin server. Kernel restrictions have been removed. This means you can restore settings and plugins using 4.2 backups.
GStreamer update to 1.11.2
OSD – Time/date display changes (Thanks to Isoz)
Recordings take priority over streaming to clients.
Fallback – Fallback tuner settings moved to Service searching menu into its own menu
Fallback – Remote bouquets copier (Channel Importer). For receivers used as clients, copies and loads the channel list from the server box.
Fallback – ability for client to not write EPG data back to server box. Means epg.dat can be shared over a network mount without fear of corruption.
Status messages in Software Update.
Numbering on Menus
Kodi ‘Krypton v17’ available in plugin feeds for VU+ models: VU+ Solo SE, VU+ Solo SE V2, VU+ Solo 2, VU+ Duo2 and all the latest 4K models.
Various OE-A Core updates.
Updated Service Info screen
Updated Streaming Clients screen
Many other updates/tweaks to OpenViX Enigma2 7

Known Image issues
Dreamplex – Some users in certain setup’s may have issues.

Known Plugin/Receiver issues
Some Xtrend recivers not able to use USB tuners. stay on 4.2 026
Gigablue Ultra UE, X1 & X3 images will be delayed due to a driver issue affecting recording and timeshifting. Once fixed these will be released.
Older receivers with lower amounts of memory struggle with downloading OpenTV EPG data using Cross EPG downloader. Use a swap file in such cases.
Some 3rd party plugins may not be currently compatible with OE-A 4.1x core, streaming plugins may require their respective author’s to add dependencies for GST 1.xx.
USB tuners not working INI (GI LX3 etc) brand receivers
Technomate receivers long press of up button not working
Arm based receivers: Image Manager cannot flash without risk of crippling receiver. You can make an image backup and flash by USB.
HbbTV not working for all receivers. Please raise issue with respective Manufacturer.

Button Mappings
Short Red** & *** – Show current channel EPG info (ViX Single EPG).
Long Red ** & *** – Sort single EPG info when in channel list.
Short Green** & *** – Timers.
Long Green*** – AutoTimer Timers.
Short Yellow*** – EPG Search.
Long Yellow*** – Instant IMDB Database search on the current programme.
Short Blue – Extensions.
Long Blue*** – Plugins Menu.
EPG – Opens ViX EPG.
Left/Right** – Opens ViX QuickEPG.
Left/Right** – Opens ViX QuickEPG.
Up/Down** – Open Full Screen Channel List.
Long Up/Down – Open PIP list on boxes that support PIP.
TV Button** – Open Full Screen Channel List.
Long TV Button – Open Bouquets List.
** Can be changed in ViX Menu
*** Can be turned off in ViX Menu

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