Under certain circumstances, the DeltaFlashLoader under Linux will not start programming the CAM, because the Bootloader is missed after powering. To fix this timing issue, one has to set the low latency mode for the serial port. To do so, the setserial command is required:
 	# apt-get install setserial
Then, one has to set the low latency mode on the respective serial port of the programmer (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0):
 	$ setserial /dev/ttyUSB0 low_latency
Now the DeltaFlashLoader should not get stuck at "Waiting cam connection..." after powering the PCMCIA board any longer:
 	# ./deltaFlashLoader /dev/ttyUSB0 -firmware cobra_01.30.bin 
Waiting cam connection...

100% [=========================================================================]
Flashing successfully completed
Keep in mind that the DeltaFlashLoader has to be run with root rights.

We will prepare a version of the DeltaFlashLoader for Linux that will set the low latency mode by itself. So this workaround will just be required temporarily...