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  1. #1

    Full HD Glass Skin

    Full HD Glass Skin

    17 ver. 1.33


    all test was provided in images and hw: dm900, dm820 dm7080 DMM exp. image(OE2.5 including latest updates), vu+ (duo2, ultimo 4k, solo 4k, solo2, ultimo) with images open pli, open atv, vti, Black Hole (all latest versions)

    - FHDG17 is independent skin and can be used simultaneously with HDG16
    - can be use with "old" HW but if running image supports Full HD skin only!!! f.e. dm800se, dm7020hd

    Short description of the function:
    - autodetect architecture of CPU and autoconfigure needed files
    - new resolution (150x90), color depth (32bit) and design: picon, piconProv, piconSat, piconCam
    - new resolution, color depth (32bit) and design: menuIcons, weatherIcons and all graphics files like icons, extrascreens graphics etc. are 32bit
    - all needed files are downloadable by using download menu
    - all dirs are created automatically at selected path but are stored in dir "hdg17_files" always this mean f.e. path to picons is /media/usb/ then real path will be
    - some options from HDG16 are unused and some new options are added
    - all the necessary files for fhdg17 are online at the primary and secondary server, all the files other than the Help pictures (which is may be wrong visible - so no need to inform about it, I will remakes it later) are in full HD resolution 32-bit graphics

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    How to install and what to do in case of problems
    1. Recommendation: Before installing complete image backups
    2. just copy ipk/deb to /tmp via FTP (e.g. Total commander) and install using one of the following methods:

    a) in the CLI (e.g. putty) enter the command:

    deb version (OE 2.2-2.5 dm900uhd, dm7080, dm820 etc.)
    dpkg -i /tmp/*.deb

    ipk version (vu + DUO2, ultimo 4k, 4k solo, solo2, ultimo etc.)
    opkg install /tmp/*.ipk

    b) use a plug-in from image to install packages IPK / deb

    3. In the event of problem send to me:

    a) if there is a crash - send crashlog + description when it happened
    b) fault on the display screen - make screenshot ALWAYS with high resolution and mark at screenshot where is the error + error description

    thx @ shamann

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  2. #2
    Full HD Glass 17 ver. 1.37

    - fix import some renderers/converters
    - removed options to use orig. skin EMC
    - added screen definitions for Positioner, Cool TV Guide, EMC
    - fix change position of Mute
    - fix extra screns 14, 15
    - added extra screen 42
    - fix Channel selection type with PIP (all types where is used)
    - fix some BH images screens

    thx @ shamann

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  3. #3
    Full HD Glass 17 ver. 1.44

    - updated: pl, sk, cz, ru, de, it, uk, pt, tr, es, fa, al, ro, hu, nl, et, lt, fr
    - added extra screen 48
    - extra screen graphics, icon sets and previews, help updated in download
    - fix/corections more of screens
    - fix volume type: colored gauge
    - added Channel selection type: PIG5, PIP5, G17 events 3 (picon channel,
    provider, sat)
    - added screen definitions for plugins: EMC,Pemanent clock, Infobar tuner state,
    AspectRatioSwitch, OpenWebif, Transcoding, EPG Import, EPG Refresh,
    Open Multiboot, Foreca

    thx @ shamann

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  4. #4
    Full HD Glass 17 ver. 1.47

    - download menu: removed download option of picon 50x30
    (It does not apply in images: DMM OE 2.2/2.5, VTi)
    - added Channel selection type: G17(+several event) 2
    - download menu: updated - help
    - added autopatch for channel selection picons (It does not apply in images:
    DMM OE 2.2/2.5, VTi)
    - fix/corections more of screens and added screen definitions for more plugins

    thx @ shamann

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  5. #5
    Full HD Glass 17 ver. 1.49

    - fix/corections more of screens
    - edited renderer extra EPG
    - added autopatch for BH image
    - added screen definitions for more plugins: autopin, netatmo, ChromiumOS
    - fix screens with context menu

    thx @ shamann

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  6. #6
    Full HD Glass 17 ver. 1.57

    - fix/corections more of screens
    - added alternative method to checking of online update
    - added autorestart bitrate if is binary bitrate used
    - bitrate auto stop limit: added option - None
    - fix CAID ECM pids height calculate
    - added screen definitions for more plugins: videodb, web browser(deb version only)
    - fix detection Oscam if is used any type of ECM in settings of oscam
    - added detektion Ultimo 4k, Solo 4k
    - added extra screen 43, 44, 45
    - icon sets and previews updated in download

    thx @ shamann

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  7. #7
    Full HD Glass 17 ver. 1.60

    - updated: pl, sk, cz, ru, de, it, uk, pt, tr, es, fa, al, ro, hu, nl, et, lt, fr
    - fix/corections more of screens
    - fix menu type: List and Icons
    - fix support extended version of bitrate plugin
    - changed update dialog
    - color temperature display range changed (-26 to 34 for each 2 degrees color
    according to the international scale)
    - fix Positioner setup screen (OpenPLi version)

    thx @ shamann

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  8. #8
    Full HD Glass 17 ver. 1.63

    - updated: pl, sk, cz, ru, de, it, uk, pt, tr, es, fa, al, ro, hu, nl, et, lt, fr
    - fix signal bar (all extra screens where is used)
    - added alternative method to detect IPTV stream
    - WEATHER: added support of SSL certificates
    - fix/corections more of screens
    - OTHER: removed Volume type, user encoding.conf (deb version only)
    - added new chapter: VOLUME
    - VOLUME: added - Volume type, Mute picture transparency
    - help updated in download menu
    - fix autopatch for channel selection picons (It does not apply in images:
    DMM OE 2.2/2.5, VTi)

    thx @ shamann

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  9. #9
    Full HD Glass 17 ver. 1.66

    - updated: pl, sk, cz, ru, de, it, uk, pt, tr, es, fa, al, ro, hu, nl, et, lt, fr
    - fix/corections more of screens
    - fix oscam ymod version detection
    - added detection of modulation 16APSK, 32APSK (DVB-S/S2 only)

    thx @ shamann

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  10. #10
    Full HD Glass 17 ver. 1.74

    - updated: pl, sk, cz, ru, de, it, uk, pt, tr, es, fa, al, ro, hu, nl, et, lt, fr
    - fix/corections more of screens
    - Setup of FHDG17: removed numbering of chapters
    - fix all Extra Screens: displaying 16APSK, 32APSK modulation
    - WEATHER: added option - Animated Weather Icons
    - ENHANCED WEATHER: added option - Animated Weather Icons
    - DOWNLOAD MENU: added option - Animated Weather Icons
    - added extra screen 87
    - DOWNLOAD MENU: updated extrascreens graphocs, icon sets and previews
    - SETTINGS OF FHDG: changed layout, removed function of blue and yellow button,
    splitted function of green and OK button, button OK aktivates function of some
    items, press green button to save cfg only

    thx @ shamann

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  11. #11
    Full HD Glass 17 ver. 1.78

    - updated: pl, sk, cz, ru, de, it, uk, pt, tr, es, fa, al, ro, hu, nl, et, lt, fr
    - fix/corections more of screens
    - removed displaying Vpid, Apid if bitrate is disabled
    - fix default values of FHDG
    - WEATHER: added option - Display nigttime icons
    - added alternative method to searching of picons
    - fix radio screensaver (deb version only)
    - added extra screen 89
    - added detection of Gcam (after restore icons type will be set to default
    type 1, so after update and autorestore you must download icons and previews
    and then set/select your prefered icons type)
    - DOWNLOAD MENU: updated extrascreens graphics, icon sets and previews, piconCam
    - added new chapter LISTBOX FONT SIZE(deb version only)
    - LISTBOX FONT SIZE: added - Bigger, Big, Medium, Small, Smaller
    - WEATHER: added option - Animation speed (ms)
    - ENHANCED WEATHER: added option - Animation speed (ms)

    thx @ shamann

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  12. #12
    Full HD Glass 17 ver. 1.79

    - updated: pl, sk, cz, ru, de, it, uk, pt, tr, es, fa, al, ro, hu, nl, et, lt, fr
    - fix/corections more of screens
    - fix actual cfg saving

    thx @ shamann

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  13. #13

    Registriert seit
    vielleicht kann mir jemand helfen.
    Bei mir werden keine Provider Picons angezeigt.
    Die Provider Picons sind in dem vorgesehenen Ordner enthalten.
    Alle anderen Picons werden normal angezeigt so wie es sein soll.
    Habe Gigablue Quad Plus mit ATV 6.1.
    Hat jemand einen Rat für mich?

    LG Hoffi
    Geändert von Hoffi8888 (28.08.2017 um 23:31 Uhr)

  14. #14
    Full HD Glass 17 ver. 1.86

    - updated: pl, sk, cz, ru, de, it, uk, pt, tr, es, fa, al, ro, hu, nl, et, lt, fr
    - fix/corections more of screens
    - fix mgcamd, gcam detection
    - fix setup of FHDG17
    - acceleration menu items switching in menu types with icons and pictures
    - DOWNLOAD MENU: bigger update of menu icons, menu icons big
    - added alternative method to searching of picons (if missing search 1_0_1...,
    1_0_16..., 1_0_19...)
    - OTHERS: added option - Service scan long list
    - LISTBOX FONT SIZE: added auto settings of line hight if font size was changed
    - WEATHER: changed "Country" to "Location"

    thx @ shamann

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  15. #15
    Avatar von grieche
    Registriert seit
    Zitat Zitat von egj_soldier Beitrag anzeigen
    Full HD Glass 17 ver. 1.86

    - updated: pl, sk, cz, ru, de, it, uk, pt, tr, es, fa, al, ro, hu, nl, et, lt, fr
    - fix/corections more of screens
    - fix mgcamd, gcam detection
    - fix setup of FHDG17
    - acceleration menu items switching in menu types with icons and pictures
    - DOWNLOAD MENU: bigger update of menu icons, menu icons big
    - added alternative method to searching of picons (if missing search 1_0_1...,
    1_0_16..., 1_0_19...)
    - OTHERS: added option - Service scan long list
    - LISTBOX FONT SIZE: added auto settings of line hight if font size was changed
    - WEATHER: changed "Country" to "Location"

    thx @ shamann

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    Hallo zusammen,

    beim anklicken des Links führt nirgentswo. Es Kommt "Page not found"


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