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  1. #1

    WinSCP - FTP Client


    WinSCP ist ein grafischer Open Source SFTP und FTP Client für Windows, der auch das alte SCP-Protokoll unterstützt. Er bietet einen geschützten Daten- und Dateitransfer zwischen verschiedenen Rechnern und ermöglicht die Nutzung geschützter “Tunnel”.
    Dies ist eine kurze Einführung in deutscher Sprache. Ein Großteil der WinSCP-Anwendungsdokumentation ist jedoch aktuell ausschließlich in Englisch verfügbar. Die meisten Links führen zur englischen Dokumentation.


    • Grafische Benutzeroberfläche
    • In mehreren Sprachen verfügbar
    • Integration mit Windows (Drag-and-Drop, URL, Verknüpfungssymbole)
    • Alle allgemeinen Operationen mit Dateien
    • Unterstützung für die SFTP- und SCP-Protokolle über SSH-1 und SSH-2
    • Stapelverarbeitungs-Skripte und Kommandozeilen-Eingabe
    • Verzeichnis-Synchronisation in mehreren halb- oder vollautomatisierten Schritten
    • Integrierter Text-Editor
    • Unterstützung für SSH-Kennwort-, Tastatur-, Public-Key- und Kerberos- (GSS) Identifikation
    • Integration in Pageant (PuTTY Agent) für vollen Support von Public-Key-Identifikation mit SSH
    • Windows-Explorer-artige und Norton-Commander-artige Oberflächen.
    • Optionale Speicherung der Session-Informationen.
    • Optionale Unterstützung von Portable-Operationen unter Verwendung einer Konfigurations-Datei an Stelle eines Registrierungs-Schlüssels, verwendbar für Operationen von Wechseldatenträgern.


    WinSCP kann alle grundlegenden Operationen mit Dateien, wie downloaden und uploaden erledigen. Es kann auch Dateien & Ordner umbenennen, neue Ordner erstellen, Eigenschaften von Dateien & Ordnern ändern, und symbolische Links und Verknüpfungen erstellen.

    Eine der beiden zur Auswahl stehenden Programm-Oberflächen erlaubt dem Benutzer das Managen von Dateien sogar auf dem lokalen Computer. Des Weiteren ist es möglich, schnell mit der Taste STRG mehrere Dateien zu markieren.
    Verbindung zu entfernten Computern

    Mit WinSCP ist es möglich, sich mit einem SSH (Secure Shell) Server mit SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) oder SCP (Secure Copy Protocol) oder mit einem FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Server zu verbinden.

    SFTP ist ein standardisierter Teil des SSH-2-Paketes. SCP ist ein standardisierter Teil des SSH-1-Paketes. Beide Protokolle können auch auf neueren SSH-Versionen zum Einsatz gebracht werden. WinSCP unterstützt SSH-1 und SSH-2.

    Für FTP wird neben dem grundlegende FTP (aktiv/passiv) auch TLS/SSL Verbindungen unterstützt. Komprimierte Übertragungen (Zlib) werden allerdings nicht unterstützt.

    WinSCP verfügt über zwei mit reichhaltigen Optionen versehene Programmoberflächen.

    Sie können während der Installation Ihre Benutzeroberfläche wählen oder sie später über Einstellungen ändern.

    Sollten Sie WinSCP zum ersten Mal verwenden, so bevorzugen Sie eventuell die Explorer-Oberfläche, die jedem Windows-Benutzer vertraut sein dürfte. Sollten Sie jedoch vertrauter mit der Norton-Commander-Oberfläche sein, die von vielen Datei-Managern wie Total Commander, FAR oder Altap Salamander verwendet wird, so wählen Sie diese. Die Norton-Commander-Oberfläche hat ihren Schwerpunkt in der Bedienung nur mit der Tastatur (ohne Maus). Ein Benutzer, der darin Übung hat, wird Datei-Operationen damit schneller ausführen.

    Changelog BETA

    5.8.2 beta
    • SSH core and private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to Link nur für registrierte und freigeschaltete Mitglieder sichtbar. (2016-03-05, commit 8e41e0a)
    • TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2g.
    • When FTP server does not provide precise timestamp, but the timestamp otherwise matches timestamp of the last uploaded version of the file, using precise timestamp of the uploaded version instead. Link nur für registrierte und freigeschaltete Mitglieder sichtbar.
    • Improvements to code/script generation:
      • Script or .NET assembly code can be generated for file transfers.
      • Suggesting command-line to use to execute generated script.
      • Using -Property switch to initialize SessionOptions properties in PowerShell.
      • Not using my prefix for VB.NET variables.
      • No redundant declaration of instantiated object variables type in VB.NET.
      • Not highlighting script strings.
      • Larger initial size of Generate URL/Code dialog, when starting on Script/Code page.
      • Bug fix: Session timeout was incorrectly set in seconds, instead of milliseconds.
      • Bug fix: Generate Code dialog could not be closed with Esc key.
    • Improvements to the installer:
      • The installer requests UAC elevation when started non-elevated. Link nur für registrierte und freigeschaltete Mitglieder sichtbar.
      • When the UAC elevation is denied by the user, the installer defaults installing to the user profile folder.
      • The installer is not showing Select Setup Language dialog when it supports the current Windows UI language.
      • Individual help link for each installer page.
      • Correcting layout of the Finished page.
      • Not warning on incomplete translation during silent installation.
      • Bug fix: Wrong message shown in an installer when it cannot continue because previous installation/uninstallation was not completed.
    • Improvements to custom commands:
      • Custom commands can be distributed in a form of WinSCP extension.
      • Distributing Verify Checksum, Search Text and ZIP and Upload .NET assembly examples as official WinSCP extensions.
      • Including .NET assembly to the deployment to support these extensions.
      • Local custom commands for local files. Link nur für registrierte und freigeschaltete Mitglieder sichtbar.
      • Change: Remote custom commands cannot be executed with focus on local panel.
      • Removed D/R column from Commands page of Preferences dialog to save space for Name and Command columns.
      • Hint displays Commands page of Preferences dialog with full custom command name, keyboard shortcut and command.
      • Local custom commands that work with list of files do not block the interface.
      • Bug fix: Local custom commands that do not work with files froze the interface.
    • Tooltips display for 20 seconds.
    • Enhanced tooltips (aka ScreenTips).
    • Retrieving seconds-precision timestamps using MDTM command, if the server provides them. Link nur für registrierte und freigeschaltete Mitglieder sichtbar.
    • Improvements to .NET assembly:
      • Method Session.ScanFingerprint to scan server’s hostkey or certificate fingerprint. Link nur für registrierte und freigeschaltete Mitglieder sichtbar.
      • TransferOptions.ResumeSupport is settable and TransferResumeSupport is constructable.
      • Setting TransferResumeSupport.Threshold automatically sets State to Smart.
    • Application update information window has title Check for Updates instead of generic Information.
    • Free bytes for user can be displayed for IIS FTP server with FTP Directory Browsing > Directory Listing Options > Available bytes option enabled.
    • Preventing interruption of file renaming by automatic operations (such as an automatic remote panel refresh). Link nur für registrierte und freigeschaltete Mitglieder sichtbar.
    • Compatibility with FTP servers whose path does not start with a slash (such as IBM VMS or MVS). Link nur für registrierte und freigeschaltete Mitglieder sichtbar.
    • Support for FTP directory listings with name only. Link nur für registrierte und freigeschaltete Mitglieder sichtbar.
    • Verify TLS certificate against cached fingerprints before Windows certificate store. Link nur für registrierte und freigeschaltete Mitglieder sichtbar.
    • Optionally following symbolic links to directories during file operations. Link nur für registrierte und freigeschaltete Mitglieder sichtbar.
    • The Make WinSCP default handler command opens Set Default Programs page in Control Panel.
    • Returning an error exit code (1) when user aborts the script. Link nur für registrierte und freigeschaltete Mitglieder sichtbar.
    • Returning an error exit code (1) when watching for directory changes fail (keepuptodate).
    • Logging that user aborted the script in XML log. Link nur für registrierte und freigeschaltete Mitglieder sichtbar.
    • Remembering a password for a duration of a session by default. Link nur für registrierte und freigeschaltete Mitglieder sichtbar.
    • Right justifying hidden and filtered counters on Commander interface.
    • Not showing 0% percent hint on the Progress dialog while calculating a transfer size.
    • Linking background confirmations options from the generic options. Link nur für registrierte und freigeschaltete Mitglieder sichtbar.
    • Transfer settings and path label hint popups use the same font as the underlying label and align with it.
    • Bug fix: Error when accessing a local directory junction on Windows XP/2003. Link nur für registrierte und freigeschaltete Mitglieder sichtbar.
    • Bug fix: The /loglevel switch did not apply when used with pre-configured log file
    • Bug fix: SSPI/NTLM/Negotiate authentication is endlessly retried with WebDAV protocol. Link nur für registrierte und freigeschaltete Mitglieder sichtbar.
    • Bug fix: User is not informed when SSPI/NTLM/Negotiate authentication fails.
    • Bug fix: Remote panel refresh interval could be set to zero.
    • Bug fix: SFTP/SCP sessions cannot be connected to over proxy. Link nur für registrierte und freigeschaltete Mitglieder sichtbar.
    Changelog regular

    5.7.7 (hotfix)
    • TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.1s.
    • Upgraded private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) to 0.67.
    • Dual code signing binaries with both SHA-1 and SHA-256.
    • Bug fix: Failure when Progress window closes (transfer finishes) while Once done drop down menu is opened. Link nur für registrierte und freigeschaltete Mitglieder sichtbar.
    • Bug fix: Too long automatic bug reports were rejected.
    • Bug fix: File masks with time constraints do not work with remote WebDAV files. Link nur für registrierte und freigeschaltete Mitglieder sichtbar.
    • Bug fix: Installation fails when there is no user Start menu. Link nur für registrierte und freigeschaltete Mitglieder sichtbar.
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  2. #2
    5.8.3 RC

    Improvements to .NET assembly:
    Added Session.TranslateLocalPathToRemote to .NET assembly to generate a remote path equivalent of a local path, given root paths.
    Change: A complete remote error message is stored into a single instance of SessionRemoteException, instead of separating error details into an inner exception.
    Preventing .NET assembly from timing out during lengthy file transfers.
    Preventing winscp.com and .NET assembly timing out waiting for winscp.exe when the system is temporarily busy.
    Bug fix: Session instance could not be used anymore after calling ScanFingerprint.
    Bug fix: Failure when Session.MoveFile source file is not existing and its name has file mask-like syntax. 1412
    Bug fix: WinSCP .NET assembly cannot find WinSCP executable in its installation folder nor the default installation folder when used in 64-bit process. 1421
    SSH core and private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to the latest development snapshot of PuTTY (2016-04-17, commit b22c0b6). It brings following changes:
    Promoting ChaCha20 cipher above Blowfish (below AES).
    Change: Fallback between SSH versions is not supported anymore.
    Change: By default, warning is issued when using Diffie-Hellman group 1 key exchange algorithm.
    Improvements to custom commands:
    Extensions are configurable.
    Local path pattern (!\) for custom commands.
    All custom command prompts are entered on one dialog box.
    Separating custom commands that do not operate with files to a separate submenu of Commands menu.
    Holding down Ctrl and Shift keys while running a local custom command copies the command to clipboard instead of executing it.
    Displaying full command name in custom command preferences list. The keyboard shortcut now displays in a hint only.
    Installer upgraded to Inno Setup 5.5.9.
    Further installer protection against potential DLL preloading attacks.
    TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2h.
    Dynamically increase TCP send buffer on fast connections.
    Removed log window.
    With synchronized browsing on, the Home Directory command opens home directory in both panels. 1427
    The Follow symbolic links to directories session option is disabled with WebDAV protocol as it has no effect.
    When detecting time zone difference of FTP server, ignoring files with timestamp in the future, as they have high probability of being wrongly interpreted.
    Preventing mouse cursor flashing while deleting remote files or changing their properties over SFTP protocol.
    Change: Consider port number for site-specific caches and bookmarks. 1411
    Indenting Allow GSSAPI credential delegation checkbox to make it clear it is an suboption of Attempt GSSAPI authentication
    Disabling Username and Password boxes on a Login dialog when Bypass authentication entirely is enabled.
    Considering items out of the current view when sizing dialogs list columns.
    Ignoring blank lines in ls command output. 1416
    Installing PuTTY help file in modern .chm format.
    Showing details about TLS handshake errors.
    Use seconds in *nix-like LIST FTP listing, if the server provides them. 1422
    The lls command shows timestamps in respect to DST the same way as local file panel (and Windows Explorer).
    Bug fix: Downloads by drag&drop were randomly defaulted to background queue.
    Bug fix: Using precise timestamp of the uploaded file version was not working when a relative path was used in automation.
    Bug fix: Authentication parameters options were not disabled when Bypass authentication entirely is enabled.
    Bug fix: In rare cases a Download and Delete operation might have been incorrectly used instead of Download when dropping files to Windows Explorer with drag&drop shell extension enabled. 1414
    Bug fix: Failure when system-wide settings change while panel is being reloaded. 1415
    Bug fix: Support for FTP servers with Windows-like paths (fixed again after broken in 5.8.2). 1074
    Bug fix: When user profile is stored on UNC path and the first drive is hidden, local panel starts empty. 1417
    Bug fix: Failure when disconnecting the last drive while the previous drive is not ready. 1418
    Bug fix: Command syntax suggestion, when using saved site in batch script, included RTF code.
    Bug fix: The stat command on FTP server may return wrong times, if the ls command was used before.
    Bug fix: Transferring newer files only did not work with FTP protocol.
    Bug fix: Autodetected time zone difference for servers not supporting MLST command was not taken into account for time on overwrite confirmation dialog. 1424
    Bug fix: When dropping files on another session tab, the Duplicate via local temporary copy option could be unchecked (and was initially unchecked), leading to the file being duplicated incorrectly within the current session.
    Bug fix: Failure when dragging a symbolic link to a directory between sessions. 1425
    Bug fix: When parsing timestamps in MDTM command response, second and minutes after zero hour (or minute) were ignored.
    Bug fix: Detect symbolic link loops when finding files (improved to cover more complex symbolic link structures). 1093

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  3. #3
    5.8.4 RC

    - Improvements to custom commands/extensions:
    Run time options for extensions.
    Extension can require specific PowerShell and Windows version.
    Extension option controls can be grouped using @Link nur für registrierte und freigeschaltete Mitglieder sichtbar. on - group.
    Command-line switch /refresh to allow extensions to refresh remote panel.
    Extension option aliases sessionlogpath and pausecheckbox.
    It’s possible to use an empty parameter in extension options metadata.
    Not displaying ellipsis in the Custom command options dialog title.
    Using path word-breaking for file extension options.
    - The %TIMESTAMP% syntax allows formatting time strings for a time relative to present time.
    - Autodetect FTP server timezone difference before file transfer, if it was not detected yet. 1431
    - SSH core and private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to the latest development snapshot of PuTTY (2016-06-03, commit 7b9ad09)
    - Removing old putty.hlp when upgrading.
    - When opening a session in an existing instance of WinSCP, any idle instance can be used, not only the latest one.
    - PuTTY is started with its executable directory as working directory to allow relative private key paths in PuTTY’s stored sessions. 1430
    - When opening WinSCP session in PuTTY, expanding the relative paths.
    - Providing more details when verification of the TLS certificate against Windows certificate store fails.
    - Checkbox to remember the new directory settings is disabled when the protocol does not allow any.
    - Bug fix: The dialog box to enter new local directory name included useless permissions box.
    - Bug fix: Failure when SCP server fatally fails while uploading file. 1428
    - Bug fix: Failure when closing application after giving up trying to reconnect a broken connection.

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  4. #4
    WinSCP 5.9

    SSH private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to the latest development snapshot of PuTTY (2016-07-19, commit 9398d23).
    Bug fix: Failure due to a disconnected session being left behind after opening a secondary shell session fails. 1433
    Bug fix: GSSAPI authentication is not working in tunneled session. 1434
    Bug fix: An URL in extension “option” with format - link caption Example Domain is ignored.

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  5. #5
    WinSCP 5.9.1

    Translations completed: Catalan, Polish and Swedish.
    Several files can be opened in editor at once using their paths. 1437
    Change: Session.EnumerateRemoteFiles does not throw when reading subdirectory fails.
    Implemented Beep when work finishes also for Keep remote directory up to date. 1440
    Tunnel inherits SSH options from the main session. 1441
    Custom command and PuTTY patterns are case-insensitive.
    Custom sound for Beep when work finishes. 1444
    Make WinSCP default handler command opens Set Program Associations for WinSCP even on Windows 10.
    Informing, when the script file is not in supported encoding.
    Handling directory listing entries with question marks. 1448
    Bug fix: Failure when user’s Documents folder cannot be loaded on start. 1435
    Bug fix: GSSAPI authentication is not working in tunneled session. 1434
    Bug fix: Some scripting commands or command-line switches were not recognized on some locales (like Welsh) when used or defined with a mixed case (like /XmlLog vs. /xmllog). 1436
    Bug fix: When a passive file panel is focused after reload, the panel is scrolled to show the previously focused file, what can cause unintended behavior. 1438
    Bug fix: When the current console font (e.g. raster) does not support Unicode, some console output might be lost. 1439
    Bug fix: Command-line toolbar was not disabled for WebDAV sessions.
    Bug fix: The -pw argument is added to PuTTY command-line, even when !P pattern is used. 1443
    Bug fix: Certificate validation fails on Windows Vista and older. 1442
    Bug fix: Ordering of columns that are invisible by default is not preserved. 1446
    Bug fix: UTF-16 script files cannot be loaded. 1447

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  6. #6
    WinSCP 5.9.2

    Translations completed: Brazilian Portuguese, Finnish, Kabyle and Ukrainian.
    Moving main window with Login dialog. 1455
    Expanding patterns in default value of extension options. 1456
    Paste command in panels context menu. 422
    When upgrading the drag&drop shell extension, silently postpone replacement until the next system restart, unless the new extension is incompatible. 1458
    XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.2.0.
    Not showing password in full open command syntax suggestion. 1452
    Using !P pattern in PuTTY command implies that password should be remembered.
    Not importing the Disable Nagle’s algorithm (TCP_NODELAY option) from PuTTY as it has a different default due to its interactive nature.
    More detailed error message when fatal error (such as inability to write an XML log file) occurs while .NET assembly is starting winscp.exe.
    Skip loading icons from .exe (and similar) files when it takes too long. 1460
    Bug fix: Long (or multiline) authentication prompts are truncated. 1449
    Bug fix: Failure during WebDAV SSPI authentication. 1450
    Bug fix: Directory listing lacks attributes on MVS systems. 1451
    Bug fix: It was possible to set site name empty.
    Bug fix: Error opening data connection over proxy server when the server supports EPSV command. 1310
    Bug fix: Ad-hoc and Last custom commands were always executed for selected files, even when executed from a context menu of a focused file.
    Bug fix: Custom command patterns were replaced in values of extension options.
    Bug fix: Downloads by drag&drop were randomly defaulted to background queue. 1457

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  7. #7
    WinSCP 5.9.3

        Translation completed: Croatian.
        Support for non-ASCII passphrases to client certificate files (.pfx/.p12 format). 1461
        TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2j.
        Improvements to custom commands/extensions:
            New official extensions “Generate HTTP URL” 417 and “Batch Rename”.
            The official extensions are compatible with PowerShell 2.0.
            The official extension “Find Duplicates” re-implemented using the Session.EnumerateRemoteFiles and the RemoteFileInfo.FullName.
            Site-specific extension options.
            Increased length limit for custom command and console. 1466
            Allowing tabs in addition to spaces in extension file. 1467
            Specific error messages about extensions are presented without irrelevant HTTP status code.
            Bug fix: Tab order on extension options dialog was broken, if the extension mixed options in and out of group box.
        Progress windows can be controlled using keyboard again. 1471
        Scaling combo box drop down menu.
        Change: Not updating last access time of uploaded files with SFTP protocol to avoid problems with servers that do not support it. 1485
        Bug fix: Failure when moving Download and Delete operation to background. 1462
        Bug fix: Found folders were focusing incorrectly.
        Bug fix: Command-line toolbar command can be executed while another command was executing already.
        Bug fix: Wrong layout of Login dialog on monitors with low vertical resolution. 1463
        Bug fix: Session instance could not be reused for multiple ScanFingerprint calls. 1464
        Bug fix: Custom commands submenu with the other custom command type was not disabled when there was no such custom command.
        Bug fix: It was possible to load again the first extension in an extension folder.
        Bug fix: Failure when logging fails for background session or during log in. 1483
        Bug fix: Failure when pressing Calculate button on Properties dialog, while another calculation is already in progress. 1484
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  8. #8
    WinSCP 5.9.5

        SSH core and private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to PuTTY 0.68. It brings the following change:
            Security fix: an integer overflow bug in the agent forwarding code. vuln-agent-fwd-overflow
        Translation completed: Traditional Chinese.
        Translation updated: Icelandic.
        De-duplicating Duplicate Session and Disconnect accelerators in Session menu. 1512
        De-duplicating Quit and Queue accelerators in Commands menu. 1516
        Increased length limit of host name. 1517
        Bug fix: Failure when reloading non-current directory expanded in remote directory tree. 1514
        Bug fix: Failure when moving Download and Delete operation to background. 1462
        But fix: Scripting open command without arguments issued irrelevant warning about use of stored site.
        Translation completed: Portuguese.
        Allowed setting debug logging level to 2 in .NET assembly. 1487
        TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2k.
        All id_* files are included in private key files filter.
        Bug fix: Cannot use unencrypted client certificate file (.pfx/.p12 format). 1490
        Bug fix: Installer started by unprivileged user shows warning about an incomplete translation again after elevation to administrator privileges. 1492
        Bug fix: Installation fails when started by a non-privileged user on a system, where elevating to administrator privileges is disabled. 1491
        Bug fix: Colored session icon does not display on high DPI. 1494
        Bug fix: WinSCP .NET assembly fails when finding WinSCP executable in its installation folder. 1495
        Bug fix: Moving Login dialog moves main window disproportionally on some systems. 1497
        Bug fix: Remembered password is not used for reconnects. 1498
        Bug fix: Keep local directory up to date extension failed, when local directory was initially empty and Delete files option was enabled. 1503
        Bug fix: Wrong message when setting TransferOptions.OverwriteMode property to an invalid value. 1504
        Bug fix: Panel loses focus after a transfer initiated using Enter key or double-click. 1505
        Bug fix: Failure when using Generate Code command on Upload dialog opened by /upload command-line parameter. 1510
        Bug fix: Some multibyte ANSI-encoded files are incorrectly loaded into an Internal editor. 1511
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  9. #9
    WinSCP 5.9.6
    Released: 2017-06-21

        German translation updated.
        Back-propagated some improvements and fixes from 5.10-5.10.2 beta releases:
            SSH core and private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to PuTTY 0.69. It brings the following change:
                WinSCP should work with MIT Kerberos again, after DLL hijacking defences broke it.
            TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2l.
            Allow using 64-bit version of PuTTY (and its tools), when available. 1522
            XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.2.1.
            Bug fix: Scripting open command without arguments issued irrelevant warning about use of stored site.
            Bug fix: Generated code uses TransferOptions.Speed instead of TransferOptions.SpeedLimit. 1543

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  10. #10
    WinSCP 5.11.1

        Bug fix: Connecting through tunnel to IPv6 does not work. 1553
        Bug fix: Failure when using translation on monitor with DPI that does not match system DPI. 1554
        Translation completed: Norwegian.
        Not closing an application when initial Login dialog is closed without opening session and Keep main window open when the last session is closed is on. 1552
    Users upgrading from WinSCP 5.9.6 can read more about WinSCP 5.11 - What's New?
    5.10.4 RC
        Translations completed: Catalan, Czech, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Traditional Chinese and Turkish.
        XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.2.3.
        Preference option Roll log files after reaching renamed to Rotate log files after reaching.
        Bug fix: Hang when showing overwrite confirmation prompt if GUI font has zero-width tab character. 1550
    5.10.3 beta
        SSH core and private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to PuTTY 0.70. It brings the following change:
            Fixed yet another instance of Windows DLL hijacking. 1459
        XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.2.2.
        Hidden configuration option for SSH bug Replies to requests on closed channels.
        Do not display error message on start when user documents folder cannot be resolved. 1547
        Bug fix: SSH bug Replies to requests on closed channels was always enabled.
        Bug fix: Clicking root folder in path label opens home folder instead of root folder. 1548
        Bug fix: Unchecking Update subdirectories for Keep remote directory up to date function was not fully working. 1549
    5.10.2 beta
        Host keys can be imported from OpenSSH known_hosts file. 1542
        Cached host keys are unconditionally imported with PuTTY and FileZilla sites.
        Cached host keys can be imported from PuTTY/FileZilla even when using INI file as configuration storage.
        Better error reporting when winscp.com fails to execute winscp.exe.
        XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.2.1.
        Avoiding a short hang of GUI, when waiting for edited file to be saved.
        On VMS servers, do not use absolute paths with FTP DELE command. 1546
        Bug fix: Site lists stops working when import source is changed on Windows XP.
        Bug fix: Generated code uses TransferOptions.Speed instead of TransferOptions.SpeedLimit. 1543
        Bug fix: Editor font too large on high DPI screens. 1544
        Bug fix: Uploads of saved edited files can rarely stop working. 1545
    5.10.1 beta
        Official extension Generate HTTP URL displays a generated URL in a message box.
        Supporting Migrated datasets in IBM z/OS MVS FTP server. 1540
        Bug fix: Copying extension command with ShowResultsInMsgBox flag to clipboard was not working.
        Bug fix: Last download target folder in Explorer interface is not remembered when transferring on background. 1538
        Bug fix: Failure when using parallel background transfers. 1541
    5.10 beta
        Background transfer operations can use multiple connections. 875
        Provisional implementation of per-monitor DPI awareness. 1521
        Find dialog is not modal when search finishes and its Focus button does not close the window.
        Found files can be downloaded and deleted on the Find dialog. 1473
        Support Microsoft Passport authentication to allow WebDAV access to Microsoft OneDrive. 1465
        Configurable path to INI file configuration storage.
        Changes to translations:
            Translations are installed to Translations subfolder.
            Unless user customizes language, automatically using the best language match each run.
            Including all translation (30% at least) in installation, but automatically using only those that are complete (80% at least).
            Marking the default, incomplete and invalid languages in Preferences dialog.
        Improvements to custom commands/extensions:
            Extension output can be displayed in a message box.
            Local custom console command output can be copied to clipboard.
            Uploading back files modified by local custom command applied to a folder. 1526
            The official extensions can be translated.
            Consistency in handling errors executing local custom command.
            Holding down Ctrl and Shift keys while running a remote custom command copies the command to clipboard instead of executing it.
        Improvements and changes to .NET assembly:
            Using full path in FileTransferProgressEventArgs.FileName. 1531
            Allow cancelling file transfer. 1532
            Added Side property to TransferEventArgs. 1470
            Masking out passwords and passphrases in .NET assembly output log. 1475 1488
            Change: Deprecating Session.DisableVersionCheck.
            Bug fix: Internal InvalidOperationException on each call to Session.ListDirectory. 1515
            Bug fix: Do not invoke Session.Failed when checking for non-existing file with Session.FileExists. 1513
        SSH core and private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to PuTTY 0.69. It brings the following change:
            WinSCP should work with MIT Kerberos again, after DLL hijacking defences broke it.
        TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2l.
        Session log file rotation. 18
        It is possible to skip file actually being transferred. 251
        Not indefinitely retrying transfer with FTP protocol when opening transfer channel is failing. 1169
        Handling dav:// URL. 1479
        SSH password change.
        Duplication is supported with WebDAV protocol. 1508
        Improved connection time for fast connections.
        Open filter dialog when clicking the current filter in the path display. 1478
        The path display shows temporarily an implicit *.* filter when hovering a mouse over it. 1478
        Importing proxy configuration from FileZilla.
        Do not terminate path with slash in CWD FTP command for better compatibility with VMS systems. 1535
        If there is only a single private key configured in FileZilla, import it with session. 1468
        Added New > File command to the toolbar. 1477
        Cancelling calculation or errors while calculating size of files to upload does not abort the the actual transfer.
        Supporting user/group names in MLSD/MLST responses. 1481
        Allowed downloading file using URL even when listing its source directory is not possible. 1480
        Button to open Edit file mask dialog on Select and Filters dialogs. 1534
        Sending Content-Type header with WebDAV uploads. 1507
        When handling WebDAV file URL, use a display name for target local file. 1486
        Not aborting “Keep remote directory up to date” when Continue on error (or option batch continue) is enabled and reading a local directory fails, because it was deleted. 1506
        Not verifying that final path after CWD FTP command matches requested path to allow better compatibility with atypical FTP servers . 1518
        DLL hijacking protection. 1459
        Poll edited file timestamps instead of using change notifications. 1500
        Using WinSCP site name for PuTTY window title. 1482
        Allow using 64-bit version of PuTTY (and its tools), when available. 1522
        Option to open downloaded file on operation completion confirmation when transferring file from command-line/URL. 1524
        Hidden options for Preference order for GSSAPI libraries and User-supplied GSSAPI library path. 578
        Ctrl+Backspace in path edit boxes deletes the word before cursor. 1469
        Activating panel, when using file selection commands. 1519
        Displaying tunnel host name on Authentication dialog. 1528
        The SFTP server and Shell edit boxes on the Advanced Site settings dialog use path-style word-breaking.
        Not adding -load switch to PuTTY arguments, if it is configured already. 1493
        Drop down lists on the Open Directory and Location Profile dialogs are up to 16 entries long.
        Progress window appears on top of Editor window when reloading an edited file.
        Not popping up Authentication window when reconnecting while the application is minimized. 1476
        Hidden session settings for “Logical name of remote host”. 1472
        Prevent slow startup when there are some special folders. 1533
        More readable usage statistics display.
        Update dialog can be displayed by clicking update notification even when the Login dialog is opened.
        Scaling Color button image on Advanced Site Settings dialog.
        While downloading, when an SFTP SSH_FXP_FSTAT response does not include timestamps, using known timestamps from directory listing for a local file. 1496
        Improved file transfer logging, including new progress logging.
        Change: Failing on invalid size constraint.
        When opening secondary shell session fails, the main session is not closed.
        Change: When executing script file or script commands provided on command-line, default reconnect time is set to 120 seconds, if not limited yet by configuration.
        Bug fix: The /refresh command-line switch was not described in /?.
        Bug fix: Digits-only file mask constraint was interpreted as time constraint instead of size constraint.
        Bug fix: Sudden disconnect errors during authentication are randomly ignored. 1489
        Bug fix: Queue status was not shown on task bar button, when WinSCP was minimized by clicking on the task bar button.
        Bug fix: Pending background transfers were not considered for progress bar on task bar button.
        Bug fix: Configuring a PuTTY path with unclosed quotes prevents WinSCP from starting. 1499
        Bug fix: Never implemented -continueonerror switch was present in keepuptodate help
        Bug fix: Failure while reloading directory tree after a system colors had changed while the tree was not showing. 1509
        Bug fix: Clean up application data dialog was showing on wrong monitor.
        Bug fix: Resuming file upload in active FTP mode does not work on some servers. 1520
        Bug fix: Failure when INI file cannot be opened. 1523
        Bug fix: Windows logo key is not working in toolbar input boxes. 1527
        Bug fix: Toolbar icons were broken with Windows high contrast themes. 1529
        Bug fix: SFTP transfer stalls when error is received at the same time write buffer needs to be dispatched. 1536
        Bug fix: SFTP upload errors are silently ignored for small files. 1537
        Bug fix: Scripting open command without arguments issued irrelevant warning about use of stored site.

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  11. #11
    WinSCP 5.11.3

        TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2n.
        Translations added: Korean; and updated: Bahasa Indonesia, Finnish and Spanish.
        Bug fix: Official extension Generate HTTP URL cannot copy multiple URLs to clipboard. 1567
        Bug fix: Parent directory icon broken on 250% scaling and higher. 1570
        Bug fix: Resizing of Synchronization checklist window does not stop when mouse button is released. 1571
        Bug fix: It was not possible to answer prompts with non-ascii answers in winscp.com. 1573
        Bug fix: Failure when starting with window position configuration, saved on lower DPI, that does not fit anymore on lower resolution caused by higher DPI. 1576
        Bug fix: Failure when changing remote working directory using directory tree. 1572
        Bug fix: XML log and .NET assembly API does not use an absolute path for source of SCP download.
        Bug fix: WinSCP .NET assembly hangs when the XML log cannot be parsed. 1582
        Bug fix: WinSCP .NET assembly cannot work with files containing control characters. 1583
        Bug fix: Failure when coping local custom command that works with remote files to clipboard.
        Bug fix: Failure when using Ctrl+Tab keyboard shortcut with no session opened. 1585
        Bug fix: When parsing MLSD listing, file name was incorrectly tried to be interpreted against various rare path syntaxes, leading to wrong name being displayed. 1587
        Translations added: Russian; and updated: Czech, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian and Spanish.
        Panel font sample on Preferences dialog is wrapped.
        Stopping monitoring a drive when a drive removal is announced, to allow removing the drive (particularly required for VeraCrypt drives). 1560
        Official extension Generate HTTP URL URL-encodes special characters in path.
        Bug fix: Wrong position of an icon on Login button, when Login dialog monitor DPI does not match system DPI. 1555
        Bug fix: Failure when creating local directory or deleting local files, while no session is connected. 1558
        Bug fix: Mouse selection is sometimes incorrectly initiated after inline remote file renaming. 1559

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  12. #12
    WinSCP 5.13

        Translations completed: Catalan, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish.
        Better error message when trying to upload a file to virtual S3 root “folder”.
        Displaying server name in network drive label. 1607
        When using session name as a part of a path to a temporary directory, replace a slash separating a session folder from a session name with a dash instead of %2F. 1608
        Configurable path to XML log file for the .NET assembly. 942
        Bug fix: Failure when opening context menu of edit boxes on Login dialog. 1605
        Bug fix: Failure when processing FileTransferProgress event. 1606
        Bug fix: It was not possible to open workspace with special characters from a desktop shortcut. 1610
        Bug fix: Failure when focused panel is changed, while double-clicking a file to edit it. 1611
    5.12.2 RC
        Multiple levels of directories can be created, while synchronizing browsing to a non existing directory. 1601
        Setting Content Type of files uploaded to S3. 1602
        Configurable mapping from file extension to Content-Type (using hidden setting). 1604
        Bug fix: Local directory tree cannot be controlled using keyboard. 1599
        Bug fix: Alt+Enter keyboard shortcut executed/opened selected file, instead of opening Properties dialog.
        Bug fix: Session hangs when QueryReceived is set while session is already opened. 1600
        Bug fix: QueryReceivedEventArgs.Message is empty.
        Bug fix: Parallel background connections are never started, when queue processing is disabled.
        Bug fix: Panel column context menus were working incorrectly when panel was horizontally scrolled.
        Bug fix: Failure when processing results of upload during synchronization in .NET assembly when a directory was created with explicitly set permissions as the first operation. 1603
        Improvements and changes to .NET assembly and scripting:
            Custom error handling instead of default abort can be optionally implemented for batch operations in .NET assembly. 1594
            Change: .NET assembly instance methods Session.EscapeFileMask, Session.CombinePaths, Session.TranslateLocalPathToRemote, Session.TranslateRemotePathToLocal, Session.AddDirectorySeparator, Session.GetDirectoryName, and Session.GetFileName replaced by static methods of the same name in class RemotePath.
            Change: Session.ScanFingerprint has a new mandatory algorithm parameter.
            Bug fix: .NET assembly methods GetFileName and GetDirectoryName did not behave correctly when provided a filename without any path.
            Bug fix: Backtick (`) and dollar ($) signs are not escaped in generated PowerShell code. 1590
        Displaying both SHA-256 and MD5 fingerprint of SSH host key on Server and protocol information dialog.
        Choosing right color for background of “selectable” labels.
        All read-only edit boxes/selectable labels have user friendly context menu for copying contents.
        Bug fix: Setting hidden raw session setting for “Configurable priority of host key types” overrides host key.
        Bug fix: Failure when error occurs while another error is already being handled.
        Bug fix: When connection is lost while deleting source remote file during “Download and Delete” operation, downloaded file may be deleted once connection is resumed. 1592
        Bug fix: Hidden session settings S3DefaultRegion to create an S3 bucket in a non-default region was not working.
        Bug fix: It was not possible to work with S3 buckets with a dot in their name. 1597
        Bug fix: S3 temporary redirect was not handled (consequently it was not possible to work with newly created S3 buckets)
        Bug fix: HTTP error was displayed instead of a more specific S3 error message in some situations.
        Bug fix: When viewing stored S3 site with a non-default hostname, the default Amazon S3 hostname was shown instead.
        Bug fix: Failure when updating jumplist. 1591

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  13. #13
    WinSCP 5.13.1

    Translations completed: Kabyle, Traditional Chinese and Ukrainian; and updated: Bahasa Indonesia.
    TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2o.
    Treating a star as an unset permission for compatibility with Win32-OpenSSH.
    Bug fix: /refresh parameter with sftp:// URL was not working for SFTP sessions with enabled fallback to SCP protocol.
    Bug fix: Simple input boxes (like “Edit File” dialog) are broken on multi monitor systems with different DPI. 1614
    Bug fix: HTTP proxy responses for FTP protocol are logged char by char. 1615
    Bug fix: Port number box was visible for S3 protocol, even though its value has no effect.
    Bug fix: Hang when opening a menu with any Paste command, while clipboard contains a large amount of text. 1620
    Bug fix: Slashes in SHA-256 fingerprints are not encoded in generated URLs. 1622
    Bug fix: Failure when closing a session with a local proxy command. 1623
    Bug fix: Failure when closing Find window while finding files. 1624

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  14. #14
    WinSCP 5.13.1


    Generated session URL for opened FTP/WebDAV session over TLS/SSL with invalid certificate includes its fingerprint. 1646
    Generated session URL has colons in TLS/SSL fingerprint unnecessarily URL-encoded. 1645
    Bug fix: It is not possible to delete symlink pointing to a directory with “Follow symbolic links to directories” session settings being on. 1648
    Bug fix: Scripting command ln does silently nothing when the server does not support creating symlinks, instead of reporting that.
    Bug fix: Error when downloading file to a temporary filename with a long path with SFTP protocol.
    Bug fix: Keywords that link to help page are underlined in generated code on Windows 10 version 1803. 1650
    Bug fix: Start of file drag from remote panel stalls on some systems with floppy drive. 1652
    Bug fix: Path argument in lcd command in generated script has to end with backslash, if it points to a root folder.
    Kabyle translation removed.


    WinSCP is available in Microsoft Store. 1639
    Workaround for a bug in Windows 10 version 1803 (April 2018 Update), causing drag & drop downloads to Windows Explorer end in a wrong folder (computer restart required). 1644
    Translations completed: Croatian, Farsi and Russian; and updated: Dutch, French, German and Polish.
    Bug fix: ssh:// URL is handled once for every opened instance of WinSCP too much. 1627
    Bug fix: Icons for local files do not show on some systems. 1628
    Bug fix: Failure when binary file is attempted to be opened in an internal editor on system with multibyte legacy encoding. 1629
    Bug fix: Login dialog opens slowly, when there is a lot of stored sites with a color. 1630
    Bug fix: Extensions were not loaded when configuration is empty.
    Bug fix: Starts slowly on some systems. 1633
    Bug fix: Failure when uploading a file larger than 2GB using S3 protocol. 1636

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  15. #15
    WinSCP 5.13.4


    WinSCP 5.13 is a major application update. New features and enhancements include:

    - Amazon S3 protocol support.
    - SHA-256 host key fingerprints are used.
    - Stalled connection attempts can be canceled promptly.
    - Improvements to .NET assembly and scripting.
    - List of all changes.

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    WinSCP 5.14.1 beta


    The most important changes/additions are:

    - Files can be optionally encrypted when storing them on SFTP server.
    - Local UNC paths can be browsed.
    - Files can be copied to the clipboard.
    - Improvements to directory synchronization.

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    Geändert von egj_soldier (20.11.2018 um 16:28 Uhr)
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