This will sound complicated but is actually very easy to do. You will need:

- VLC Media Player.
- Spark O/S 1.2.41 or later
- Webcam or something else to stream

There are many ways to set this up. This is what was tested and works here. Feel free to experiment with different transcoder and other settings to discover what works best for you and your media.

Configure VLC
You can do this for a webcam, file, DVD, TV tuner or a DVB card. The example here is for a webcam. For others, make the appropriate VLC selection such as “file” instead of capture device.

1. Go to Media > Stream.
2. Click on the Capture Device tab.
3. Select the video device and audio device you wish to use.
4. Click “Stream”.
5. A new window appears, click “Destination Setup”
6. Select HTTP as the destination in the first dropbox, check the “display locally” box and click the “add” button.
7. Now it should show port and path. Leave path alone. Port should read 8080 which will normally work. Your firewall might prompt you for permissions for VLC at some point. If it does, allow it.
8. Activate Transcoding should already be checked, and H264 + AAC MP4 should be selected. You can play with settings here to see what works and is most efficient later on, for now leave as-is.
9. Click the “Stream” button. You will be live streaming in a few seconds. VLC may not show anything but the cone image, this is fine, it should be working.

Configure Receiver
1. Menu > networking > webtv.
2. Press red key on remote to add a channel.
3. For title, put whatever you want. For URL you need to enter the IP address of the computer that is doing the streaming and the port. Example: xxx://xxx.168.1.3:8080 Don’t forget the colon ( : ) followed by the port number you set in VLC. No spaces.
4. Description is optional.
5. Type should already say “live”
6. Arrow down to add and press ok. The channel is added to your WebTV player.
7. Arrow to your new channel and press ok. The buffer box should appear and after awhile your stream will start to play. Press OK again to bring it up full screen.

Tips: As long as the buffer box appears and is moving, you probably are setup correctly. This could take a bit depending on your network and stream type. If you get an error message quickly, something is probably configured wrong. Check VLC settings, check the IP and port you put in WebTV, and check to see if your firewall is blocking the stream.

Stream to Receiver or devices anywhere on the net (advanced)
Router setups and firewalls vary greatly so this is a general guide. What you will need to do is configure port forwarding or a similar option in your router. Example would be the 8080 port used above. Set the router to port forward 8080 to the IP address and computer you are streaming from. Configure and run VLC as described above.

Next determine your external internet IP address. A site like xxx:// can do this for you.

To receive the live stream, send Aliens or other devices to your internet IP address and the port you have forwarded. Example: xxx://

Congratulations, if you have done everything correctly you have just created your very own live IPTV channel!

This is listed as advanced because a lot could go wrong such as your ISP blocking a port, limited upload bandwidth, firewall blocking or 10 other things. You will need some patience and you will need to do trial and error to setup your stream efficiently.