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  1. #1

    Total Commander

    Total Commander 8.51a final (32/64bit)

    Fixed: Left panel switched to c:\ when inserting/removing USB stick while "Drive not found" error was shown (32)
    Fixed: Right click context menu: Still crashes caused by PowerArchiver shell extension - fixed by initializing command string to 0 (32/64)

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  2. #2
    Total Commander 8.52a final (32/64bit)

    Die wichtigsten Korrekturen in Total Commander 8.52a:

    • Absturz beim Entpacken von ZIPs mit LZMA-Kompression (falsche tcmdlzma.dll mitgeliefert) (nur 32 bit)
    • Absturz beim Eingeben von mehr als ca. 300 Zeichen in Dateien - Dateiatttribute ändern - "Zeit"-Feld, mögliches Sicherheitsloch (32/64 bit)
    • Total Commander hing beim Laden des Laufwerks-Buttonbar unter Windows 10 (Probleme mit Wechselmedien)
    • Der Windows-Explorer konnte mit Total Commander angelegte ZIP-Archive nicht komplett entpacken, wenn diese mehr als 65535 Dateien enthielten

    Link nur für registrierte und freigeschaltete Mitglieder sichtbar.

  3. #3
    Total Commander 9.00 beta 2:

    WICHTIG: Derzeit sind die neuen Funktionen nur auf Deutsch und Englisch verfügbar. Weitere Sprachen werden nach und nach eingebaut.

    Hier eine Liste der wichtigsten Neuerungen:

    Ansichtsmodi, können manuell über das Menü "Anzeigen" oder automatisch durch benutzerdefinierte Regeln umgeschaltet werden
    Symbole auf den Tabs (Registerkarten) anzeigen, abhängig vom angezeigten Ordner
    Vertikale und horizontale Abstände bei Dateisymbolen einstellbar
    Vertikale Buttonleiste (kann über Konfigurieren - Einstellungen - Layout deaktiviert werden)
    Gummiband - Auswahlmodus bei Verwendung der Auswahlmethode "linke Maustaste", deaktivieren über Einstellungen
    Bis zu 3 externe Geräte ohne Laufwerksbuchstaben (z.B. Android oder Windows Phone) in Alt+F1/F2-Laufwerkliste anzeigen
    Hintergrund-Transfermanager (F5-F2): Zweiten Fortschrittsbalken mit Gesamtfortschritt anzeigen wenn verfügbar
    Textcursor mit aktuellem Windows-Thema zeigen; aktivieren/deaktivieren in Konfigurieren - Einstellungen - Farben
    System-Laufwerk- und -Ordner-Symbole (dynamisch geladen) verwenden anstelle von internen
    Gedimmte Symbole für versteckte Dateien / Ordner
    Kleinen grünen Pfeil als Overlay-Symbol anzeigen, wenn ein Ordner geöffnet ist, z.B. im Baum oder beim Öffnen sehr großer Ordner
    Klick auf Tab-Header bei Option "gesperrt, aber Verzeichnisänderungen erlaubt" -> ins Basisverzeichnis dieses Tabs zurückkehren
    Bessere Unterstützung für Bildschirme mit hoher Auflösung
    Skalierung der Dialogfelder (OverrideDPI) über Konfigurieren - Einstellungen - Schrift
    Option zum Anzeigen von Größen mit 1k = 1000 Bytes anstelle von 1k = 1024 Bytes
    Option zum Anzeigen von Zahlen in TBytes, mit 1 oder 2 Nachkommastellen

    Unicode-Unterstützung für descript.ion-Dateien
    Umbenennen (Umsch+F6): Pfeil nach oben/Pfeil nach unten um zur vorherigen/nächsten Datei zu springen (konfigurierbar)
    F5 Kopieren/F6 Bewegen: Combobox mit allen geöffneten Tabs und allen Unterverzeichnissen im Zielfenster (Umsch: Quellfenster)
    F5 Kopieren: leere Verzeichnisse überspringen durch Anhängen von | **\ an die Zeile "nur Dateien dieses Typs"
    Zusätzliche Prüfsummentypen erzeugen und verifizieren: SHA224, SHA384, SHA3_224, SHA3_256, SHA3_384, SHA3_512
    Dateien direkt löschen (nicht in den Papierkorb): Bei Fehlern erst am Ende der gesamten Operation nachfragen
    Dateien direkt löschen: Neue Option "Alle überspringen", falls Dateien fehlen
    Threads für Löschen, Hints und ID-List wiederverwenden
    Überschreibbestätigung in Synchronisieren deaktivieren: wincmd.ini [Confirmation] SyncConfirmOverwrite=0

    Unterstützung von TLS 1.1 und 1.2 mit neuen OpenSSL-DLLs
    Windows-Zertifikatspeicher "ROOT" und "CA" verwenden, um gekaufte Serverzertifikate zu überprüfen

    ZIP-Entpacker: Unterstützung für neue Entpackmethode XZ (Methode 95) mit neuer tcmdlzma.dll und tclzma64.dll
    Unterstützung für ungültige ZIP-Archive ohne CRC im lokalen Header und hinter der Zip-Datei, z.B. von ownCloud erzeugt
    Unterstützung für ungültige ZIP-Archive mit UTF-8-codierten Namen aber fehlendem UTF-8-Flag (erstellt von Dropbox)

    "Everything"-Tool benutzen, um auf NTFS-Laufwerken viel schneller zu suchen, wenn möglich auch bei Netzwerklaufwerken
    Suche nach Text mit Inhaltsplugins auf der Haupt-Suchseite
    Suchen mit regulären Ausdrücke bei mehr Dateitypen: Unicode UTF-8+UTF-16, Office XML
    Neue Option "Älter als", funktioniert analog zu "Nicht älter als"
    Suche in separatem Prozess: Erlaubt Suche in Suchergebnissen (nach "Anwenden") und markierten Dateien

    Vergleich nach Inhalt:
    Nur Unterschiede anzeigen, mit zusätzlichen Zeilen oberhalb/unterhalb der Unterschiede, einschließlich Bearbeiten
    Bearbeitungsmodus: Dreifachklick zum markieren der ganzen Zeile

    Neue Buttons zum Einfügen seltener benutzter Felder
    Verbesserter Dialog zur Auswahl von Namensbereichen
    Automatisches Umbenennen in "name (2).ext", "name (3).ext" anbieten, wenn es doppelte Namen gibt, oder Namen, die bereits vorhanden sind

    Strg+Umsch+Q: Schnellansicht in einem separaten Lister-Fenster öffnen, Inhalt anpassen beim Wechsel zu anderen Dateien
    Dateien vom Typ RTF, BMP, JPG, PNG, GIF, ICO, HTML mit internen Viewern auch in geschützten Systemverzeichnissen anzeigen
    Größeren Puffer verwenden, um große Textblöcke ohne Zeilenumbrüche korrekt anzuzeigen

    Andere Operationen:
    Doppelklick/ENTER: .url Dateien innerhalb von Total Commander folgen, wenn sie auf Verzeichnisse zeigen. Deaktivierbar über wincmd.ini
    Manuelle Update-Prüfung über Menü Hilfe - Jetzt nach Updates suchen, via DNS-Lookup
    Automatische Update-Prüfung (experimentell): wincmd.ini [Configuration] AutoUpdateCheck= (1: alle Updates, oder 2: keine Betaversionen)
    Strg+B in Suchresultat = Gehe zu Verzeichnis unter dem Cursor
    Virtuelle Ordner wie die Netzwerkumgebung asynchron einlesen (schnellere erste Antwort) und in Hintergrund-Thread
    Verzeichnisverlauf: Name unter Cursor und Position in Liste merken beim Verzeichniswechsel via Doppelklick/Enter
    Inhaltsplugins: Neuer Dialog zur Auswahl von Inhaltsplugin-Feldern (statt Menü). Zeigt außerdem Feld-Vorschau für Datei/Ordner unter Cursor
    Verzeichnisse Synchronisieren: Vergleichen mit mehrteiligem ZIP, unterstützt Vergleich nach Inhalt und Anzeigen
    Buttonbar, Startmenü: Neue Parameter %C1..%C9, %c1..%c9

    Interne Befehle:
    zum Fokussieren bestimmter Dateifenster, inkl. Baum: cm_FocusSrc, cm_FocusTrg, cm_FocusLeftTree usw.
    zum Markieren/Entfernen der Markierung von einer oder mehrere Dateien: cm_Select, cm_Unselect, cm_Reverse
    zum Öffnen von Lister: cm_ListOnly, cm_ListMulti, cm_ListInternalMulti, cm_SeparateQuickView, cm_SeparateQuickInternalOnly
    zum Speichern von Tabs in eine spezifische Datei: SAVETABS, SAVETABSL, SAVETABSR, SAVETABS2, SAVETABS2L, SAVETABS2R
    cm_wait, Wartezeit in Millisekunden, z.B. cm_wait 1000. Kombinierbar, z.B. em_cmd1,cm_wait 1000,em_cmd2

    WARNING: This is a pre-release version. Do not use this version with critical data!

    IMPORTANT: Currently the new functions are available only in English and German. More languages will be added soon.

    Link nur für registrierte und freigeschaltete Mitglieder sichtbar.

  4. #4
    Total Commander 9.00 beta 6

    20.07.16 Release Total Commander 9.0 beta 6 (32/64)
    20.07.16 Fixed: Re-apply auto-switch view mode filters after Ctrl+U, but do not swap view modes themselves (32/64)
    20.07.16 Added: Set color of currently active tab, overrides any view mode tab colors: wincmd.ini [Colors] ActiveTabColor=RGB value (32/64)
    20.07.16 Fixed: Duplicate folder tab via right click menu -> copy also view mode, icon, and colors (32/64)
    20.07.16 Fixed: Button with command other than .exe (e.g. .vbs) and parameter %S not working with spaces in the program name (reason: CreateProcess used instead of ShellExecuteEx, to allow longer command line) (32/64)
    20.07.16 Fixed: Icons in folder tabs (to which the user switches) are lost after using cm_ToggleAutoViewModeSwitch while no view mode switch rules are defined (32/64)
    20.07.16 Fixed: Leave archive with F2/Ctrl+R -> view modes were still not updated in 64-bit only (64)
    20.07.16 Fixed: Search with "ev:" prefix: ignore results in the form "c:", "c:\", "\\server", "\\server\share" (32/64)
    19.07.16 Fixed: When reading from a network directory, do not refresh the file list when TC loses focus when wait dialog is up, and user switches back when reading complete (32/64)
    19.07.16 Fixed: Don't pack each file to TEMP when TEMP folder is on the same drive as target folder (32/64)
    19.07.16 Fixed: Search via 'Everything': When not using the ev: prefix, call Everything_SetMatchPath(true); Everything_SetMatchCase(false); Everything_SetMatchWholeWord(false); before each search to get correct results (32/64)
    19.07.16 Fixed: Ctrl+Z edit comment: If comment type is set to Text+UTF-8, and a plain text comment file with line breaks \n exists, and user enters Unicode comment, the comment extra info wasn't handled correctly when codepage wasn't Western (1252) (32/64)
    19.07.16 Fixed: Ctrl+Z edit comment: If comment type is set to UTF-8, make sure the comment isn't cut in the middle of an UTF-8 multi-byte character when it is too long (32/64)
    17.07.16 Fixed: Slightly increased with for text Search - Plugins tab - "Combine with" (32/64)
    17.07.16 Fixed: Content plugin, full unicode text field, text search: Results wrong in 64-bit due to wrong buffer size reported to plugins (64)
    17.07.16 Fixed: Network Neighborhood, Windows XP or older: Total number of files/folders in footer was wrong (32/64)
    17.07.16 Fixed: Ctrl+Q quick view, edit file, save it -> file list was updated, but quick view wasn't (32/64)
    17.07.16 Fixed: Menu "Start": User-defined hotkeys were not translated, also not in "Change start menu" dialog (32/64)
    15.07.16 Fixed: Right click on current tab in inactive panel -> wrong current view mode was checked, and chosen mode was applied to active panel instead (32/64)
    15.07.16 Added: Configuration dialog: When clicking OK or Apply while on "View modes" page, and automatic view mode changes are off, apply the current view mode to the file lists (32/64)
    15.07.16 Fixed: CopyLinks>0 -> comments of hard links/junctions were not copied with the links (32/64)
    15.07.16 Fixed: View modes, execute commands: When starting TC, we need to set the current panel to the target when executing a command there like cm_dirbranch. Otherwise it would be executed in the wrong panel (32/64)
    15.07.16 Fixed: Remove hotkey (&) from string 6402 in second location in server type definition dialog (32/64)
    15.07.16 Fixed: Show description in "Set default icon library" also for file wcmicon2.dll (32/64)
    15.07.16 Fixed: Help, SizeFooter description was not updated to the new 2 digit and terabyte styles (32/64)
    15.07.16 Fixed: Manifest resource in 64-bit installer (64)
    15.07.16 Fixed: Edit box for "File types" in "Auto mode change" was too wide (32/64)
    13.07.16 Release Total Commander 9.0 beta 5 (32/64)
    13.07.16 Added: Experimental, not yet documented in help: Pass search parameters directly to "Everything" with prefix ev:, e.g. ev:<c:|d:> *.mp3 Note: All other search parameters except for the path field will still be applied to the results (32/64)
    13.07.16 Fixed: Search function, search text in plugins: Incorrect results with "whole words" and any other encoding that "Unicode UTF16" checked (32/64)
    13.07.16 Fixed: Windows classic theme: Use unified color (button shadow) for lines above function buttons and command line - overdraw lower tab delimiter (32/64)
    13.07.16 Fixed: Shift+F6 on [..] (change current path): Confirmation button appeared only for a short time, then disappeared (Tab background redraw problem) (32/64)
    13.07.16 Fixed: Allow inplace rename also by clicking behind file name even when using rubberband selection, unless the selection has already selected something (32/64)
    13.07.16 Fixed: Folder tabs: Show correct drive icons in tabs also when using OldDriveIcons=1 or 2, or DriveLib=dllname (32/64)
    13.07.16 Fixed: Folder tabs: Default Zip icon was shown on tabs for archives with read only, hidden, or system attribute (32/64)
    13.07.16 Fixed: ZIP packer: Don't pack each file to TEMP when packing to RAM disks, only when packing to removable disks and CD-RW (32/64)
    13.07.16 Fixed: Unrar multi-part RAR archive when first part not available -> wrong file content unpacked (due to partial file at start), only affects beta version (32/64)
    13.07.16 Fixed: When "Open files and directories with a single click" was set, the cursor could move after choosing a command from a dropdown buttonbar menu, but before the command was executed (32/64)
    13.07.16 Added: Auto view mode change configuration: when adding a new ruleset, do not preset the mode to be set. Instead, open the combobox when the user forgets to set the mode and goes elsewhere (32/64)
    13.07.16 Fixed: Draw shared folder overlay also on custom folder icons defined via desktop.ini when not using an external icon file (32/64)
    12.07.16 Fixed: Configuration dialog didn't have an icon in the title bar (32)
    12.07.16 Fixed: Right click on folder tabs: Only show view modes when right clicking on the current tab, not on inactive tabs (32/64)
    12.07.16 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: No accents shown in popup menu for "+" and "#" buttons when using Windows Classic theme (64)
    12.07.16 Fixed: Tab key stopped working in comboboxes which used auto-complete after 7 combobox creations in some dialogs, e.g. Shift+F5 (problem with subclassing) (64)
    12.07.16 Fixed: Hotkeys (via &) were not removed from strings Strg+, Alt+ etc. when used in popup menu (32/64)
    12.07.16 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Click on [N#-#], then on OK without changing anything inserted [N1] instead of the default range (64)
    10.07.16 Fixed: File size "Dynamic x k/M" was wrong in 64-bit only (64)
    10.07.16 Fixed: Network Neighborhood: Empty on XP with NethoodStyle=2 (fix also removed German Entire network title) (32/64)
    10.07.16 Fixed: Network Neighborhood: Do not show "Refresh.lnk" entry on Windows XP or older (32/64)
    10.07.16 Fixed: wciconex.dll was ignored even when DefaultLib wasn't set in wincmd.ini. Will be used if DefaultLib empty or DefaultLib=wcmicons.dll (32/64)
    10.07.16 Added: Allow to define a tab icon for the default view mode (32/64)
    10.07.16 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Show different confirmation when user tries to delete to recycle bin, warn if the file would be deleted directly (32/64)
    10.07.16 Fixed: "Do you really want to delete the selected element?" wasn't used in 64-bit version (64)
    10.07.16 Added: When deleting to recycle bin and a file can only be deleted directly, warn the user and let him choose to delete it directly or not (32/64)
    08.07.16 Fixed: Separate search dialog: Search in selected files/folders in file system plugins didn't work (32/64)
    08.07.16 Fixed: Configuration - Auto mode change: UNC path: \Server was missing a backslash (32/64)
    08.07.16 Fixed: Icon was drawn over focus rectangle with themed or inverted cursor disabled when it was loaded in the background (32)
    08.07.16 Fixed: Vertical button bar: Overflow button was drawn as pressed when moving the mouse over it, or when the item which should be there was pressed too (32/64)
    08.07.16 Fixed: Vertical button bar: Crash when hovering over overflow button (when bar is too long) with some bar settings (32/64)
    08.07.16 Added: wcx_ftp.ini [General] VerifyCerts=1 control verification of certificates: VerifyCerts=1 on, VerifyCerts=0 off, VerifyCerts=-1 only when wincmd.pem exists, VerifyCerts=-2: like -1, but do not use windows cert store (like older TC versions) (32/64)
    08.07.16 Added: FTPS: Always verify certificates now, even when wincmd.pem is missing, since we use the root certs from Internet Explorer now (32/64)
    08.07.16 Fixed: tcmdx32.exe had invalid manifest resource since beta 4 (64)
    08.07.16 Fixed: Standalone synchronize dirs: Crash in overwrite dialog if preview was enabled (32/64)
    08.07.16 Fixed: Leave archive with F2/Ctrl+R -> view modes were not updated (32/64)
    08.07.16 Fixed: Configuration - Custom columns: View modes with no title were not shown in the combobox (32/64)
    07.07.16 Fixed: Everything.exe wasn't started with -startup parameter in 64-bit version (64)
    06.07.16 Release Total Commander 9.0 beta 4 (32/64)
    06.07.16 Added: Changed how VistaDelete handles recycle bin: Assume that the values from the registry are always correct, then show an error when requesting delete to recycle bin wants to delete directly (32/64)
    06.07.16 Added: FTPS: Use SHA256 hash to verify certificates with self-signed certificate authority instead of SHA1. If SHA1 already stored, store SHA256 too (32/64)
    06.07.16 Fixed: Extra line between tab headers and column headers when "Show current directory" unchecked in settings (32/64)
    06.07.16 Fixed: Vertical button bar: Fixed redrawing of buttons when themes are disabled and tooltips partially obscure the buttons (32/64)
    06.07.16 Fixed: Add light sharpening when resizing icons to odd size (e.g. 28x28) (32/64)
    06.07.16 Fixed: Use icon library for folder icons also in Ctrl+F FTP connection list (32/64)
    06.07.16 Fixed: Going up in file list by one level (e.g. leaving zip file): The cursor wasn't placed on the directory/zip when the view mode was changed, e.g. from full to brief view (32/64)
    06.07.16 Fixed: Open dir in new tab with Ctrl+D, Shift+Enter -> view mode was not changed automatically (32/64)
    06.07.16 Fixed: Press Ctrl+Up to open new tab -> set flag to reload view mode when tab gets activated (32/64)
    06.07.16 Fixed: No tabs shown, Ctrl+Up on directory -> opened tab got icon correctly, but first tab didn't (32/64)
    06.07.16 Fixed: No tabs visible, press Ctrl+Up on "Windows" subdir in c:\ -> icons in tab had same size as icons in file list, which may be bigger than the system icon size (32/64)
    05.07.16 Fixed: Uninstaller tcuninst.exe was missing DPI aware flag (32)
    05.07.16 Fixed: Uninstaller tcuninst.exe and tcunin64.exe and tcusbrun.exe only had compatibility option for Windows 7 (32/64)
    05.07.16 Fixed: Installer: Added DPI aware flag to MANIFEST resource, changed version to 9.0 (32/64)
    05.07.16 Fixed: MANIFEST resource of Tcmdx64.exe, Tcmdx32.exe, tcmadmin.exe, tcmadm64.exe didn't contain compatibility section (32/64)
    05.07.16 Fixed: MANIFEST resource of Tcmdx64.exe contained processorArchitecture="x86" instead of "amd64" (32)
    05.07.16 Fixed: Auto switch view mode: Mode for archives not applied when leaving nested archive to return to outer archive (32/64)
    05.07.16 Added: 24x24 icons for Ctrl+F FTP connection dialog (32/64)
    05.07.16 Fixed: Ctrl+F FTP connection dialog only supported icon sizes 16x16 and 32x32 for connections (32/64)
    05.07.16 Fixed: Compare by content, enable edit mode, Ctrl+F (but not F7!) -> cursor was shown in compare results and not in search dialog (64)
    05.07.16 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: Apply button not enabled when checking/unchecking option to show colors by file type (64)
    05.07.16 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Auto Switch Mode, Apply: Determine new view mode when switching to other tabs, not immediately when applying, except for current tabs (32/64)
    05.07.16 Fixed: Configuration - Options - View mode: Apply the changed view modes to all tabs which use that view mode, so the tab color and icon change immediately (32/64)
    05.07.16 Fixed: Button bar: Multiple em_command statements only worked when separated by a single comma not followed by a space (32/64)
    04.07.16 Fixed: Auto update check: Make sure that beta versions of the same version number are ignored when the final release is already installed (32/64)
    04.07.16 Fixed: Couldn't whitelist FTPS servers any more with certificates created with self-created certificate authority (32/64)
    03.07.16 Fixed: F5 copy dialog: Press F5 repeatedly -> didn't work correctly due to switch from edit control to combobox (32)
    03.07.16 Fixed: Network Neighborhood: Do not open context menu for virtual folders which cannot be entered if they are just inaccessible PCs on the net (32/64)
    03.07.16 Fixed: Main configuration dialog: Tab "Operation" wasn't translated any more (32/64)
    03.07.16 Fixed: Button bar, start menu: * at start (run as admin) not working with name in double quotes (32/64)
    03.07.16 Fixed: More problems with scaling icons, especially to sizes not a multiple of 16x16 (32/64)
    03.07.16 Fixed: Abort dialog could remain on screen or cause errors "Control deleted in background thread" when opening network paths with separate tree(s) enabled (32/64)
    03.07.16 Fixed: Search in separate process, go to file: not working with FS plugins, tried to open file as directory. Change: Plugin path received via WM_COPYDATA must end with \ if it's not a file (32/64)
    03.07.16 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Do not close entire dialog on ESC when the dropdown list is open (64)
    03.07.16 Fixed: Update check function wouldn't detect final releases as newer than beta releases of the same version (32/64)
    01.07.16 Fixed: Only since beta test start: Loading ignore lists longer than 1023 characters into configuration dialog failed (text was cut) (64)
    01.07.16 Fixed: One or two digits after decimal point in size display were sometimes wrong (32/64)
    30.06.16 Fixed: FTPS, HTTPS: When receiving chain of self-signed certificates, save also the additional certificates in the chain (32/64)
    29.06.16 Fixed: View modes, color picker: The currently chosen color wasn't preloaded into the color picker (32/64)
    29.06.16 Fixed: Configuration - Options - View modes: Preload view mode of current active panel (32/64)
    29.06.16 Added: Change view modes via right click on folder tabs, only affects current tab so far (32/64)
    29.06.16 Added: Vertical button bar: Make space around buttons symmetrical (32/64)
    29.06.16 Added: Vertical button bar: If the bar is too high, display overflow button, and show rest of the buttons as a popup menu (32/64)
    29.06.16 Fixed: Search in zip, feed to listbox, change sort order -> error about changed archive was triggered by mistake (32/64)
    29.06.16 Fixed: Search in zip, feed to listbox, delete a file -> show more meaningful error when user tries to view/edit a file (32/64)
    29.06.16 Fixed: Vertical file panel arrangement: Don't allow tab to panel where nothing of the list window is visible (32/64)
    28.06.16 Fixed: Make drive combobox 2 pixel wider because the icons are displayed 2 pixels to the right (32/64)
    28.06.16 Fixed: Hotkey for content plugins checkbox not working in main search dialog (32/64)
    28.06.16 Fixed: Change start menu: Could be broken by aquasnap or sizer causing the dialog to show before the options are loaded (32/64)
    28.06.16 Fixed: Shift+F5 inplace copy: F5, Cursor right didn't place cursor directly after name any more due to use of a combobox instead of an edit box (32/64)
    28.06.16 Fixed: AES encryption in ZIP not working on Windows NT/2000 because the certificate of the wcmzip32.dll couldn't be verified any more (SHA256) (32)
    28.06.16 Fixed: 64-bit version didn't support Unicode comments in tooltips yet (neither standard comments nor from internal tc plugin) (64)
    28.06.16 Fixed: Start Everything.exe with parameter -startup when user didn't specify Everything= line in wincmd.ini (the user can pass this parameter too) (32/64)
    28.06.16 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] Everything=Everything.exe set location of everything to run when it's not running, and TC checks "Everything" checkbox (32/64)
    28.06.16 Fixed: Empty Network Neighborhood on Windows XP or older (32/64)
    28.06.16 Fixed: TC icon extraction thread was constantly busy with some file types (e.g. .pif) with no default icon in one of the panels (32/64)
    28.06.16 Fixed: Do not draw text cursor (caret) during rubberband selection (32/64)
    28.06.16 Fixed: Multi-rename tool, button "#": Wrong position of dropdown menu (32/64)
    28.06.16 Fixed: Scaling of "go up" icon wasn't smooth in thumbnails view (32/64)
    28.06.16 Fixed: Button bar, start menu: We need to swap parameters %C1 and %C2 if the cursor is in the right panel, and less than 2 files are selected (32/64)
    28.06.16 Fixed: Overlapping sections on XP in Configuration - Options - Tabstops and Packers (32/64)
    28.06.16 Fixed: Ignore wciconex.dll if the user has chosen a different icon library with dialog "Set default icon library" (32/64)
    28.06.16 Fixed: Changed handling of auto view-mode switching: Always determine view mode when switching to a new tab for the first time after it has been loaded (32/64)
    23.06.16 Fixed: Passing cm_x and em_x commands via WM_COPYDATA only worked with the cm/em prefix lowercase (32/64)
    22.06.16 Release Total Commander 9.0 beta 3 (32/64)
    22.06.16 Fixed: Rename file with Shift+F6, go to next with cursor up/down, then just press ENTER (no change) -> list was not sorted as it should be (32/64)
    22.06.16 Added: Run "Everything" when the user checks the checkbox and it's not running but located in the Total Commander directory, e.g. for portable applications (32/64)
    22.06.16 Fixed: Fixed alignment of controls with and without themes, and with and without flat interface (32/64)
    22.06.16 Fixed: Re-added listbox borders when themes are disabled (32/64)
    22.06.16 Fixed: Separate tree has sometimes getting the background color from the current view mode (32/64)
    22.06.16 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Should no longer ask for next disk/zip part when unpacking single part ZIP files (32/64)
    21.06.16 Fixed: Changed panel separator menu from "Edit.." to "Show vertical button bar" (32/64)
    21.06.16 Fixed: Auto view mode switch: Option "at least 50% match" didn't always work correctly due to rounding errors (32/64)
    21.06.16 Fixed: Lines in tree were almost invisible with some background colors. Note that the custom color can always be set via [Colors] TreeLineColor (32/64)
    21.06.16 Fixed: Execute multiple commands, e.g. from a button: Use SendMessage to execute them, otherwise they can get out of order when mixing with em_xx commands (32/64)
    21.06.16 Fixed: Tabstop header (name, ext. etc.): Moved to the left by 1 pixel when switching from full to custom columns view or back (64)
    21.06.16 Fixed: Custom Columns Editor: the width of the "name" column changed incorrectly on "Apply" (32/64)
    21.06.16 Fixed: OPENBAR command didn't resize button bar if the new bar had more/less lines than the previous bar (64)
    21.06.16 Fixed: View modes: Allow to set the secondary background color (the one on even line numbers) even when the primary color is set to "default" (32/64)
    21.06.16 Fixed: Auto switch mode: "AND" and "OR" were not translated (32/64)
    20.06.16 Fixed: cm_reloadBarIcons switched back to main button bar when a subbar was shown (32/64)
    20.06.16 Fixed: Plugin field selection dialog: Sample wasn't updated when going to next/previous field with cursor keys while cursor in quick search (32/64)
    20.06.16 Fixed: Plugin field selection dialog: Crash when scrolling with cursor from plugin "tc" up to "All" and back to "tc" very quickly (32/64)
    20.06.16 Fixed: Alt+F1 drive dropdown list showed wrong icons and hints when DriveTipDelay was set (32/64)
    20.06.16 Fixed: Windows 10: Alt+F1 drive dropdown list showed extra multimedia devices in addition to the (wanted) USB devices like phones (32/64)
    20.06.16 Fixed: Old drive icons were not loaded correctly on high dpi devices (64)
    20.06.16 Fixed: Auto-switch view modes: Switch from thumbs view to brief view -> columns were too narrow (32/64)
    20.06.16 Fixed: Network Neighborhood: Changing to plugin quickly after opening nethood could show servers in the plugin by mistake (32/64)
    20.06.16 Fixed: Auto view mode change didn't work when a directory currently shown in TC was deleted, causing a directory change (32/64)
    20.06.16 Fixed: Inplace edit of current path: Prevent cursor up/down to jump into the file list (32/64)
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  5. #5
    Total Commander 9.00 beta 10

    This time there are also some new functions:
    - Cofigure drive icons, default file/folder icons, '!' overlay and dimmed hidden icons via main configuration dialog
    - Detect when a drive is locked by bitlocker, and offer to unlock it

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  6. #6
    Total Commander 9.00 beta 13

    Beta 13 korrigiert vor allem Fehler. Falls Sie Fehler für Beta 1/2 gemeldet haben, überprüfen Sie bitte, ob diese korrigiert wurden.

    Es gibt auch ein paar neue Funktionen:
    - Anstelle der Windows-Photo-App (Kacheloberfläche) wird der Windows Photo Viewer (Desktop-Programm) beim Doppelklick auf eine Bilddatei geöffnet. Deaktivierbar (ReplacePhotoApp=0).
    - Hauptfenster beim Lesen von langen Verzeichnissen nicht deaktivieren, sondern weiter Windows-Meldungen abarbeiten, aber Benutzereingaben (ausser ESC) ignorieren.

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  7. #7
    Total Commander 9.00 beta 17

    05.10.16 Release Total Commander 9.0 beta 17 (32/64)
    05.10.16 Fixed: When entering large directories, wait with handling messages for up to 1.9 seconds - still safe to avoid freezing, but keeps keyboard input made by user (32/64)
    05.10.16 Fixed: Do not watch for changes in "Computer" virtual folder when ShowExtraDrives doesn't have value 4 added (show drives with no drive letters like phones) (32/64)
    05.10.16 Fixed: Remote desktop connection: Show shared drives when connecting, hide them when disconnecting (32/64)
    05.10.16 Fixed: Remote desktop connection: Local drives shared via "Local resources" options were not visible in TC (WNetOpenEnum failed) (32/64)
    05.10.16 Fixed: Don't try to show the bitlocker unlock dialog while the registration screen is still up (switch to local drive instead, as TC 8.x) (32/64)
    05.10.16 Fixed: Button F3, F4 etc. in bottom bar could wrap to two lines when button too narrow (64)
    05.10.16 Fixed: Quick search filter was lost after using file context menu, causing a full refresh by mistake (32/64)
    04.10.16 Fixed: Comments: Problems copying comment from UTF-8-encoded comment file to OEM-encoded comment file on systems with codepage other than 1252 (32/64)
    04.10.16 Fixed: Comments: Problems copying comment from OEM-encoded comment file to UTF-8-encoded comment file on systems with codepage other than 1252 (comment not visible, line breaks lost) (32/64)
    04.10.16 Fixed: Comments: Default type set to one of the Unicode types, enter non-Unicode comment via Ctrl+Z -> last character was cut (32/64)
    04.10.16 Fixed: Move file (F6) which is currently opened and locked by a program will copy the file, but deleting the original will fail -> show different error dialog (32/64)
    04.10.16 Fixed: Hold down space on a file, then press Tab while space is still down -> the footer could be wrong (32/64)
    04.10.16 Fixed: Missing identifiers for new commands in WCMICONS.INC (32/64)
    04.10.16 Fixed: For consistency with the 32-bit version, don't drive drive icons from icon lib dimmed when hovering over them (64)
    04.10.16 Fixed: Search dialog: Save "Search for" combobox when starting a search and the string has changed, not only when closing the dialog (32/64)
    30.09.16 Fixed: Configuration - Options - View mode, Apply after deleting a mode -> revert view modes on tab to 0 (default) if a mode was deleted or inserted before that mode (64)
    30.09.16 Fixed: Configuration - Options - View mode, Apply after deleting a mode -> revert view modes on tab to 0 (default) if number higher than available view modes (64)
    30.09.16 Fixed: Folder tabs: Default view mode, toggle "Priority", click "Apply" -> icons for default view mode tabs were only changed when switching to these tabs (32/64)
    30.09.16 Fixed: Folder tabs: When disabling folder tab icons, an empty placeholder was shown on tabs where a user mode icon with priority option was defined (32/64)
    30.09.16 Fixed: Abort counting space in file system plugin subdirs (Alt+Shift+Enter or Spacebar) when disconnecting or closing the program (32/64)
    29.09.16 Fixed: Windows 10 bug: Alt+Tab away from Configuration - Options - Misc after clicking on a disabled control in that dialog still caused redraw errors -> we need to focus a different control (list of pages) (64)
    29.09.16 Added: Updated tc7z.dll and tc7z64.dll with latest dlls from 7z1603-extra.7z (7zxa.dll and x64\7zxa.dll ) (32/64)
    29.09.16 Fixed: FTPS: Suggest to use OpenSSL dlls in the log window when connection fails because the operating system doesn't support session re-use (e.g. Linux with Wine) (32/64)
    29.09.16 Fixed: FTP connection dialog: Automatically check passive mode option when checking SSL/TLS, it doesn't work with active mode (32/64)

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  8. #8
    Total Commander 9.00 rc5

    Total Commander 9.0 release candidate 5 (rc5) is now available for download. This is a bugfix release. There are a lot of new features in TC9, see this forum post for the most important. This is still a pre-release version, but sufficiently stable for every day use. It includes both the old and new icons for the main menu and button bar(s).

    09.11.16 Release Total Commander 9.0 release candidate 5 (RC5) (32/64)
    09.11.16 Fixed: Reduced automatic update checks to once per day, ramdomly after 0h..9h morning to better distribute the server load (32/64)
    09.11.16 Fixed: Various problems watching for mobile device arrivals/removals, e.g. USB devices disappearing from Alt+F1 list, wrong labels etc. (32/64)
    09.11.16 Fixed: Synchronize with certain archives, option "Only selected" checked -> recompare after sync gave empty results because the selection was lost (32/64)
    09.11.16 Fixed: Further reduced CPU usage of main thread, caused by a timer which shouldn't always be running (32/64)
    09.11.16 Fixed: Archive where deeper directories are stored before others, e.g. /dir1/dir2 before /dir1 -> timestamp for /dir1 was shown incorrectly (32/64)
    08.11.16 Fixed: Automatically changed view mode was lost on tab with "locked but dir changes allowed" after 2 or more directory changes and restarting TC (32/64)
    06.11.16 Fixed: Configuration - Options - View modes: Never apply current view mode in configuration dialog to target panel, only to source panel (32/64)
    06.11.16 Fixed: Configuration - Options - View modes: Only apply auto view mode filter to current tab when on "Auto Switch Mode" page (32/64)
    06.11.16 Fixed: Configuration - Options - View modes: Try to preserve previous view modes on tabs even when deleting or re-ordering view modes (32/64)
    04.11.16 Fixed: Directory hotlist, choose item with dirs for both sides -> separate tree for inactive panel wasn't updated when using 2 separate trees (32/64)
    04.11.16 Fixed: Context menu for file, press hotkey which doesn't exist in the menu -> close the context menu, as in TC 32-bit (64)
    04.11.16 Fixed: Catch exception "Printer selected is not valid" in "Print" - "File list" dialog box (32/64)
    04.11.16 Fixed: Search via "Everything" 1.3.x and older 1.4.x caused access violation when no file/folder was found with the given search string (32/64)
    04.11.16 Fixed: Themed listbox cursor was drawn in footer (directly below file list) during quick search (32)
    04.11.16 Fixed: Ctrl+Q quick view in archive on pdf file not showing anything while quick search dialog was open (32/64)
    04.11.16 Fixed: Quick view in archive not working when invoking cm_SrcQuickview with mouse (OK via command line or hotkey) (32/64)
    04.11.16 Fixed: Shift+F4 always created a new file when entering a name without extension, even when the file already existed (32/64)
    03.11.16 Fixed: The following option didn't work in 64-bit: Main menu: When additional icon dlls have their own inc file, it will be used instead of wcmicons.inc for the entire main menu (64)

    02.11.16 Release Total Commander 9.0 release candidate 4 (RC4) (32/64)
    02.11.16 Fixed: Compare by content: "Only show differences" must be disabled before recomparing, e.g. when file was changed externally, or user chooses different file encoding (32/64)
    02.11.16 Fixed: Opening files/programs with ENTER: Do not resolve links/reparse points pointing to complete paths (only to relative paths, except when faulty IE10 is installed), otherwise the file may not open (32/64)
    02.11.16 Fixed: Default icon library for button bar was set to other than wcmicons.dll -> revert to wcmicons.dll when the other dll is no longer available (32/64)
    02.11.16 Fixed: Update quick view window while quick search is up -> temporarily set focus in active panel to prevent hang in plugin SLister. Closing quick search on Ctrl+Q no longer needed! (32/64)
    01.11.16 Fixed: Main menu: When additional icon dlls have their own inc file, it will be used instead of wcmicons.inc for the entire main menu (32/64)
    01.11.16 Added: Configuration - Button bar: additional icon dlls can now have their own inc file. If the index differs from the wcmicons.inc file, the icon will be locked to that dll (doesn't change automatically when switching to other dll) (32/64)
    01.11.16 Fixed: Move view mode -> view modes assigned to tabs below that position were reverted to default only in active panel (32/64)
    01.11.16 Fixed: Delete view mode -> view modes assigned to tabs below that position were reverted to default only in active panel (32/64)
    01.11.16 Fixed: Delete view mode active in current tab, click on "Default" view mode, then "Apply" -> current tab view mode was sometimes not reverted to the default (32/64)
    01.11.16 Fixed: Ctrl+PageDown could no longer be used to enter archives with no extension (32/64)

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  9. #9
    Total Commander 9.0a rc2

    05.12.16 Release Total Commander 9.0a release candidate 2 (32/64)
    05.12.16 Fixed: Multi-rename tool retried with 10000 different target names if the source file was locked by another app, slowing down the rename function (32/64)
    05.12.16 Fixed: Lister, search function: Allow to search for OEM-specific characters like the line drawing characters in OEM/DOS mode (32/64)
    05.12.16 Fixed: Internal associations could not longer be defined for *.url files (32/64)
    05.12.16 Fixed: Configuration - button bar: Upper preview window (entire bar) didn't show icon if the icon file name was given in double quotes (32/64)
    05.12.16 Added: Content plugins: "size" field now supports 4 additional types: bkMGT, bkMGT2, bkMG3, bkMGT3: T is with Terabytes, 3 is 2 digits after the decimal point (and at least 1 before it) (32/64)
    04.12.16 Fixed: Content plugin field selection dialog: Right click on plugin field - "Copy to clipboard" was not working (32/64)
    04.12.16 Fixed: Brief view: Extension could switch from aligned to attached to file name when making window smaller (32/64)
    04.12.16 Fixed: Quick search filter was lost when deleting files from archive (32/64)
    04.12.16 Fixed: Faster loading of directories (especially on network shares) with option "Overlay icons" enabled, by moving the name parsing to the background thread (32/64)
    04.12.16 Fixed: Lister: could not copy OEM text to clipboard in binary and hex mode, it was copied as ANSI text (32/64)
    04.12.16 Fixed: Hex search in Lister not always working with OEM font set, and "Respect case" not checked (32/64)
    03.12.16 Added: The replacement of the Photos app with Windows Image Viewer can now be disabled in Files - Associate With..., the option is only shown for affected extensions like jpg (32/64)
    02.12.16 Fixed: Search with 'Everything': Detect versions older than 1.3 and warn user that version 1.3 or newer is needed (32/64)
    02.12.16 Fixed: Dialog box for choosing the default icon library: Automatically check second radio button (lower icon lib) when user chooses library from dropdown combobox (32/64)
    02.12.16 Fixed: Dialog box "Drive not found" was using a very small font size on high DPI devices (32/64)
    02.12.16 Fixed: Trying to drag files from Windows\Fonts to other program made TC unresponsive to mouse clicks; the actual drag problem cannot be fixed because Fonts stores the files for a virtual folder (64)
    02.12.16 Fixed: Do not remember position of separator between the two file panels when closing separate quick view window (32/64)
    02.12.16 Added: wincmd.ini, UseEverythingInstance option now supports environment variables (32/64)
    02.12.16 Fixed: Classic theme: Multi-rename tool buttons "+" and "#" did not show cyrillic characters, just ???? (64)
    02.12.16 Fixed: FTP connection on tab: When drive letters are shown on the tab, change # to connection number when the connection on that tab is established (32/64)
    02.12.16 Fixed: FTP connection on locked tab (with dir changes allowed) not working: Couldn't switch to that tab with mouse click, click on "\" didn't go to locked dir, restarting TC with that tab in foreground changed title. Note: after restarting, click on tab title to reconnect (32/64)
    01.12.16 Fixed: Reload shield overlay icon when user changes icon size in file list (32/64)
    30.11.16 Release Total Commander 9.0a release candidate 1 (32/64)
    30.11.16 Fixed: Left side in archive, rename that archive in other panel -> returned to directory of the archive, but the auto switch mode rules were not applied (32/64)
    30.11.16 Fixed: Some overlays (e.g. on default folder icons) could be drawn twice (32/64)
    30.11.16 Fixed: Shield overlay icon was pixelated in thumbnails view if it was loaded while in normal view (32/64)
    30.11.16 Added: Name of icon library for cached button bar is now stored in separate section [ButtonbarCache] instead of [Buttonbar] (but it's read from both) (32/64)
    30.11.16 Fixed: Language in TC could partially switch back to English when moving multiple file operations to the background (running there at the same time) (32/64)
    30.11.16 Fixed: Themed caret (cursor in listboxes) was not disabled by default if WindowBlinds is running in x64 only because the module name is wblind64 not wblind (64)
    29.11.16 Fixed: FTP connection, search, feed to listbox, connection lost, user denies to reconnect -> sometimes the text "Search result" remained on tab (32/64)
    29.11.16 Fixed: FTP connection, connection lost, user denies to reconnect -> view mode was not applied to local directory (32/64)
    29.11.16 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Auto switch mode: Crash trying to load a rule with more than 50 sub-rules (created manually). also increased maximum to 100 (32/64)
    29.11.16 Added: Search function: Use prefix ed: instead of ev: for unfiltered Everything search in the location(s) given by "Search in" field. Also supports the "limit depth" option (32/64)
    29.11.16 Fixed: Lister: Position at start differed by 1 pixel from previously saved position (32/64)
    28.11.16 Fixed: Could no longer open archives without extension with Enter (only with Ctrl+PageDown) (32/64)
    28.11.16 Fixed: Could not load saved synchronize dirs option with files from list file if there were previous selections (32/64)
    27.11.16 Added: Everything: Support named instances (Everything.exe -instance "somename"): wincmd.ini [Configuration] UseEverythingInstance=somename (32/64)
    27.11.16 Fixed: Could not use 7zip plugin (e.g. Total7zip) in synchronize dirs with self-extracting .exe files, TC always used internal 7zip (32/64)
    27.11.16 Fixed: F3 on large directory (e.g. Windows) -> counting directory size couldn't be aborted by closing lister with X button, only with ESC (32/64)
    27.11.16 Fixed: Do not open associated files with Ctrl+PageDown if "Treat archives like directories" is disabled (32/64)
    27.11.16 Fixed: Commands - Target=Source didn't apply Auto Switch Mode rules to the target panel (32/64)
    27.11.16 Fixed: FTP, search function: File sizes >2GB would not be handled correctly (32/64)
    27.11.16 Fixed: Main menu: Submenu indicator (black triangle) could overlay menu text on high dpi screens (32/64)
    27.11.16 Fixed: Windows classic theme: Reduce flickering of status bar (footer) by not updating it when the content stays the same, e.g. when clicking on a different file in full mode (32/64)
    25.11.16 Fixed: Network Neighborhood: Sometimes servers which should appear there are shown in a file system plugin which is opened from there (although the function is disabled when leaving Network Neighborhood) (32/64)
    23.11.16 Release Total Commander 9.0 final (32/64)
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  10. #10
    Total Commander 9.0a FINAL

    Neue Funktionen in Total Commander 9.0:
        Symbole für Ordner und Laufwerke vom Explorer benutzen, änderbar via Einstellungen - Symbole
        Neue Buttonbarsymbole (optional, können beim ersten Start oder via Rechtsklick gewählt werden)
        Vertikale Buttonleiste (kann über Konfigurieren - Einstellungen - Layout deaktiviert werden)
        Extra-Abstand zwischen Zeilen in der Dateiliste (konfigurierbar via Einstellungen - Symbole)
        Windows 10: Den Windows Photo Viewer anstelle der Photo-App aufrufen (deaktivierbar via wincmd.ini [Configuration] ReplacePhotoApp=0)
        Ansichtsmodi, können manuell über das Menü "Anzeigen" oder automatisch durch benutzerdefinierte Regeln umgeschaltet werden
        Symbole auf den Tabs (Registerkarten) anzeigen, abhängig vom angezeigten Ordner
        Gummiband - Auswahlmodus bei Verwendung der Auswahlmethode "linke Maustaste", deaktivieren über Einstellungen
        Bis zu 3 externe Geräte ohne Laufwerksbuchstaben (z.B. Android oder Windows Phone) in Alt+F1/F2-Laufwerkliste anzeigen
        Hintergrund-Transfermanager (F5-F2): Zweiten Fortschrittsbalken mit Gesamtfortschritt anzeigen wenn verfügbar
        Textcursor mit aktuellem Windows-Thema zeigen; aktivieren/deaktivieren in Konfigurieren - Einstellungen - Farben
        Gedimmte Symbole für versteckte Dateien / Ordner (konfigurierbar via Einstellungen - Symbole)
        Kleinen grünen Pfeil als Overlay-Symbol anzeigen, wenn ein Ordner geöffnet ist, z.B. im Baum oder beim Öffnen sehr großer Ordner
        Klick auf Tab-Header bei Option "gesperrt, aber Verzeichnisänderungen erlaubt" -> ins Basisverzeichnis dieses Tabs zurückkehren
        Bessere Unterstützung für Bildschirme mit hoher Auflösung
        Standardschrift "Segoe UI regular" bei neuen Installationen
        Skalierung der Dialogfelder (OverrideDPI) über Konfigurieren - Einstellungen - Schrift
        Option zum Anzeigen von Größen mit 1k = 1000 Bytes anstelle von 1k = 1024 Bytes
        Option zum Anzeigen von Zahlen in TBytes, mit 1 oder 2 Nachkommastellen
        Unicode-Unterstützung für descript.ion-Dateien
        Umbenennen (Umsch+F6): Pfeil nach oben/Pfeil nach unten um zur vorherigen/nächsten Datei zu springen (konfigurierbar)
        F5 Kopieren/F6 Bewegen: Combobox mit allen geöffneten Tabs und allen Unterverzeichnissen im Zielfenster (Umsch: Quellfenster)
        F5 Kopieren: leere Verzeichnisse überspringen durch Anhängen von | **\ an die Zeile "nur Dateien dieses Typs"
        Zusätzliche Prüfsummentypen erzeugen und verifizieren: SHA224, SHA384, SHA3_224, SHA3_256, SHA3_384, SHA3_512
        Quersummendateien separat in jedem Verzeichnis anlegen
        Beschleunigung der Prüfsummentypen MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384 und SHA512 durch Benutzung der Microsoft Crypto API-Funktionen
        Dateien direkt löschen (nicht in den Papierkorb): Bei Fehlern erst am Ende der gesamten Operation nachfragen
        Dateien direkt löschen: Neue Option "Alle überspringen", falls Dateien fehlen
        Threads für Löschen, Hints und ID-List wiederverwenden
        Überschreibbestätigung in Synchronisieren deaktivieren: wincmd.ini [Confirmation] SyncConfirmOverwrite=0
        Unterstützung von TLS 1.1 und 1.2 mit neuen OpenSSL-DLLs (optional) oder Microsoft sChannel
        Windows-Zertifikatspeicher "ROOT" und "CA" verwenden, um gekaufte Serverzertifikate zu überprüfen
        Zertifikate neu immer überprüfen, selbst wenn wincmd.pem nicht vorhanden ist, da nun die Rootzertifikate des Internet Explorers benutzt werden
        Selbst-signierten Zertifikaten kann per Checkbox im Zertifikatsdialog vertraut werden
        ZIP-Entpacker: Unterstützung für neue Entpackmethode XZ (Methode 95) mit neuer tcmdlzma.dll und tclzma64.dll
        Unterstützung für ungültige ZIP-Archive ohne CRC im lokalen Header und hinter der Zip-Datei, z.B. von ownCloud erzeugt
        Unterstützung für ungültige ZIP-Archive mit UTF-8-codierten Namen aber fehlendem UTF-8-Flag (erstellt von Dropbox)
        "Everything"-Tool benutzen, um auf NTFS-Laufwerken viel schneller zu suchen, wenn möglich auch bei Netzwerklaufwerken
        Suche nach Text mit Inhaltsplugins auf der Haupt-Suchseite
        Suchen mit regulären Ausdrücken bei mehr Dateitypen: Unicode UTF-8+UTF-16, Office XML
        Neue Option "Älter als", funktioniert analog zu "Nicht älter als"
        Suche in separatem Prozess: Erlaubt Suche in Suchergebnissen (nach "Anwenden") und markierten Dateien
    Vergleich nach Inhalt:
        Nur Unterschiede anzeigen, mit zusätzlichen Zeilen oberhalb/unterhalb der Unterschiede, einschließlich Bearbeiten
        Bearbeitungsmodus: Dreifachklick zum markieren der ganzen Zeile
        Neue Buttons zum Einfügen seltener benutzter Felder
        Verbesserter Dialog zur Auswahl von Namensbereichen
        Automatisches Umbenennen in "name (2).ext", "name (3).ext" anbieten, wenn es doppelte Namen gibt, oder Namen, die bereits vorhanden sind
        Undo unterstützt nun mehrere Rückgängig-Schritte (mehrere Operationen rückgängig machen)
        Strg+Umsch+Q: Schnellansicht in einem separaten Lister-Fenster öffnen, Inhalt anpassen beim Wechsel zu anderen Dateien
        Dateien vom Typ RTF, BMP, JPG, PNG, GIF, ICO, HTML mit internen Viewern auch in geschützten Systemverzeichnissen anzeigen
        Größeren Puffer verwenden, um große Textblöcke ohne Zeilenumbrüche korrekt anzuzeigen
    Andere Operationen:
        Doppelklick/ENTER: .url Dateien innerhalb von Total Commander folgen, wenn sie auf Verzeichnisse zeigen. Deaktivierbar über wincmd.ini
        Manuelle Update-Prüfung über Menü Hilfe - Jetzt nach Updates suchen, via DNS-Lookup
        Automatische Update-Prüfung (experimentell): wincmd.ini [Configuration] AutoUpdateCheck= (1: alle Updates, oder 2: keine Betaversionen)
        Strg+B in Suchresultat = Gehe zu Verzeichnis unter dem Cursor
        Virtuelle Ordner wie die Netzwerkumgebung asynchron einlesen (schnellere erste Antwort) und in Hintergrund-Thread
        Verzeichnisverlauf: Name unter Cursor und Position in Liste merken beim Verzeichniswechsel via Doppelklick/Enter
        Inhaltsplugins: Neuer Dialog zur Auswahl von Inhaltsplugin-Feldern (statt Menü). Zeigt außerdem Feld-Vorschau für Datei/Ordner unter Cursor
        Verzeichnisse Synchronisieren: Vergleichen mit mehrteiligem ZIP, unterstützt Vergleich nach Inhalt und Anzeigen
        Buttonbar, Startmenü: Neue Parameter %C1..%C9, %c1..%c9
    Interne Befehle:
        zum Fokussieren bestimmter Dateifenster, inkl. Baum: cm_FocusSrc, cm_FocusTrg, cm_FocusLeftTree usw.
        zum Markieren/Entfernen der Markierung von einer oder mehrere Dateien: cm_Select, cm_Unselect, cm_Reverse
        zum Öffnen von Lister: cm_ListOnly, cm_ListMulti, cm_ListInternalMulti, cm_SeparateQuickView, cm_SeparateQuickInternalOnly
        zum Speichern von Tabs in eine spezifische Datei: SAVETABS, SAVETABSL, SAVETABSR, SAVETABS2, SAVETABS2L, SAVETABS2R
        cm_wait, Wartezeit in Millisekunden, z.B. cm_wait 1000. Kombinierbar, z.B. em_cmd1,cm_wait 1000,em_cmd2
        cm_100percent akzeptiert Parameter 1..100 zum Setzen einer bestimmten Position der Trennlinie
        WM_USER+50 an TC senden, um diverse numerische Werte zu erhalten wie Index der aktuellen Datei, der ersten, Windows-Handles von Steuerelementen usw. (siehe history.txt)
    Installationsprogramm (der Demoversion):
        Das Installationsprogramm akzeptiert nun folgene Optionen: /AHLMGDUK
        H=Versteckt laufen,
        G=Gruppe anlegen,
        D=Desktop-Symbol anlegen,
        U=Update falls Ziel existiert,
        K=Installiert wincmd.key aus demselben Verzeichnis wie das Installationsprogramm.
        Alle Optionen akzeptieren Parameter 1 oder 0, z.B. G0 oder G1. L akzeptiert Sprachnummer aus install.inf, z.B. L18=Rumänisch
        Hinweis: Alle Optionen müssen als ein Parameter hinter einem / angegeben werden, nicht als separate Parameter
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  11. #11
    Total Commander 9.12 final

    24.11.17 Release Total Commander 9.12 final (32/64)
    23.11.17 Fixed: Get \\tsclient shares during remote desktop session using Unicode functions (64)
    22.11.17 Fixed: Position and size of background copy dialog (F5-Enter-Background) could be wrong on Windows 10 Creators Update (32/64)
    22.11.17 Fixed: Drag the copy progress dialog (F5-Enter) to secondary screen with different DPI -> size wasn't changed (64)
    21.11.17 Fixed: If the option EditNewName=name was set to a placeholder string, e.g. EditNewName=<[YMD].txt, the placeholders were not resolved on Shift+F4 (32/64)
    21.11.17 Fixed: 32-bit color drive icons with transparency still used the first pixel as transparent color for the drive buttonbar (64)
    21.11.17 Fixed: Printing didn't work when starting TC with command line parameters starting with / (e.g. /i=ini file) (64)
    21.11.17 Fixed: The initial window size of resizable dialogs (e.g. synchronize dirs, multi-rename tool etc.) was too small on high dpi screens (64)
    21.11.17 Fixed: Synchronize dirs, copy attributes (via right click menu): Couldn't copy timestamp if target had read only attribute (32/64)
    21.11.17 Fixed: Internal associations pointing to different packers didn't work any more, e.g. *.exe -> "7zip packer", **7z (32/64)
    16.11.17 Release Total Commander 9.12 release candidate 4 (32/64)
    15.11.17 Fixed: Close and restart Total Commander when starting remote desktop session causing Windows 10 main menu bug (local PC is set to custom scale factor) (64)
    15.11.17 Fixed: 7zip: Partial support for 7zip archives with different password for file names and file content. Multiple files with different content passwords can only be unpacked separately, though (32/64)
    15.11.17 Fixed: Windows 10: Lister opening with caret (text cursor) visible, move cursor with keyboard -> cursor bar also remained in top left position (64)
    14.11.17 Fixed: Alt+F5 pack dialog: "Encrypt" checkbox wasn't disabled when opening the dialog with a plugin as default packer which doesn't report encrypt option in packer capabilities (64)
    14.11.17 Fixed: Windows 10 terminal server session to other Windows 10, local PC is set to custom scale factor, e.g. 120% -> Windows bug in displaying menus -> disable dpi per screen scaling when starting (32/64)
    13.11.17 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] AutoUpdateCheckBeta=1: If set together with AutoUpdateCheck=1, new beta versions will be reported even when using a final version (32/64)
    13.11.17 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] RestoreSize=0 prevents TC from restoring to saved size when receiving WM_DISPLAYCHANGE or WM_DPICHANGED message (32/64)
    13.11.17 Fixed: Windows 10 creators update: mp4 video would play outside of Lister window, unless DpiPerScreen=0 was set (reason: it was creating a playback window in a separate thread) (32/64)
    12.11.17 Fixed: Internal 7zip unpacker didn't show 'e' in attributes column for encrypted files (32/64)
    12.11.17 Fixed: Search in office xml files would sometimes fail (32/64)
    10.11.17 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] useshellconnect=-1 uses own user name and password dialogs for PCs where WNetAddConnection3 crashes (32/64)
    09.11.17 Release Total Commander 9.12 release candidate 3 (32/64)
    09.11.17 Fixed: Help file: Removed redundant references to history.txt from "what's new" section (32/64)
    09.11.17 Fixed: Do not clear selection after right clicking on F8 button or drive buttons (32/64)
    08.11.17 Fixed: View modes: Re-apply view modes to current panels for commands cm_Exchange and cm_ExchangeWithTabs (32/64)
    08.11.17 Fixed: View modes: Icons on tabs were lost after cm_ExchangeWithTabs command (32/64)
    08.11.17 Fixed: Division by zero error when printing RTF file in Lister (64)
    08.11.17 Fixed: Windows 10 creators update: Window position not loaded correctly on third screen with this arrangement: 1:125%, 2:100%, 3:125%, because 1 and 3 have the same scale factor (32/64)
    07.11.17 Fixed: Ctrl+Left/Right arrows in F7 now works again as in TC 9.0a (no stop at dots, but stops at some braces) (32/64)
    05.11.17 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Clicking in the 'Show' section (not on a button) only refreshed the results in the 32-bit version (64)
    05.11.17 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Do not call SetFileAttributes after renaming when user has set option SetArchiveBitOnRename=0. Also ignore all errors in SetFileAttributes (32/64)
    05.11.17 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Don't react to Ctrl+F3 hotkey on lines with directories (32/64)
    05.11.17 Fixed: 64-bit: Prevent plugins written in Lazarus from crashing by changing the name for GetProp/SetProp to store control data from 'WinControl' to 'WinControlTC'. Changed plugin interface version reported by ListSetDefaultParams to 2.11 (64)
    03.11.17 Release Total Commander 9.12 release candidate 2 (32/64)
    02.11.17 Fixed: Call extra invalidate function for main window and listboxes when moving between windows with different DPI (32/64)
    02.11.17 Fixed: Changed version from 9.11 to 9.12, for obvious reasons (9/11) (32/64)
    02.11.17 Fixed: Get icon for file system plugin from uwfx file if wfx file is missing (32)
    01.11.17 Fixed: Do not move window to saved position when receiving WM_DISPLAYCHANGE message but the display size didn't actually change (32/64)
    01.11.17 Fixed: Do not dim regular overlays like link overlay, cloud overlays or tortoise svn overlays on hidden files/folders (32/64)
    01.11.17 Fixed: Do not draw two icon overlays on file system links, prefer the overlay from Windows when available (32/64)
    01.11.17 Fixed: The "!" icon overlay wasn't dimmed when icons for hidden files/folders were set to dimmed in the configuration (32/64)
    31.10.17 Fixed: Search function, find files in archive, edit with F4 -> file not repacked when changed, or deleted when unchanged, when file in archive subdirectory (32/64)
    31.10.17 Fixed: wincmd.ini, resolution-specific section: FontSizeTip was ignored on Windows 10 creators update (64)
    31.10.17 Fixed: Search function, start search: The search window was expanded only minimally the first time it was used (position not stored yet) (32/64)
    31.10.17 Fixed: Open archive, ENTER, "Unpack all and execute" -> "OK" button in wait dialog changed to Cancel. Reason: Apparently the buttonID changes from IDOK to IDCANCEL (!) (32/64)
    27.10.17 Release Total Commander 9.11 release candidate 1 (32/64)
    27.10.17 Fixed: Get icon for file system plugin from wfx64 file if wfx file is missing (64)
    27.10.17 Fixed: Create checksums, separate for each directory -> skip checksum creation for checksum file itself if it was already there (32/64)
    26.10.17 Fixed: Moving entries in F7 - Text Search - Plugins list didn't move the plugin fields (32/64)
    26.10.17 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] IconOverlaysOneDrive=1/0: Enable/disable cloud overlay icons for OneDrive files which are only available online (32/64)
    25.10.17 Added: Windows 10: Show cloud icon for files on OneDrive which are only available online (not offline on this computer) (32/64)
    25.10.17 Fixed: Make some plausibility checks of the bitmap header before calling CreateIconFromResourceEx, e.g. when loading a button bar (32/64)
    25.10.17 Fixed: Windows 10: ReplacePhotoApp option didn't work when using an internal association with ** set as program name (32/64)
    24.10.17 Fixed: Use ShellExecuteEx instead of WinExec to open command prompt via menu Commands - Open command prompt window (32/64)
    24.10.17 Fixed: The icon size in the button bar was wrong when starting with a fresh wincmd.ini, and saving TC position on secondary screen with different DPI without ever setting the button bar size (32/64)
    24.10.17 Fixed: The icon size in the file lists was wrong after moving Total Commander between two screens with different DPI (64)
    24.10.17 Fixed: The width of the main menu items could be wrong after moving Total Commander between two screens with different DPI (64)
    24.10.17 Fixed: GDI leak in drawing colored tab headers (32/64)
    23.10.17 Fixed: Cancel button in copy progress dialog stopped working in RC2 for small files (still worked with bigger files), same for delete progress dialog (32)
    23.10.17 Fixed: Nag dialog: Font size wrong on high DPI screens on page shown when using a blocked key (64)
    23.10.17 Fixed: Uninstaller: Font too small for some dialog items on high DPI screens (32/64)
    20.10.17 Release Total Commander 9.10 final (32/64)
    19.10.17 Fixed: GDI memory leak when using inverted cursor, and alternating background colors via a view mode (64)
    19.10.17 Fixed: Some OneDrive fixes for Windows 10 Fall Creators Update didn't work in 64-bit version only (64)
    19.10.17 Fixed: F5 copy - Enter - Background -> dialog box wasn't scaled correctly on secondary screen (Windows 10 Creators Update) (32/64)
    19.10.17 Fixed: Right click menu - "New" submenu: When copying a template file, set its date+time to current date+time (32/64)
    19.10.17 Fixed: Right click menu - "New" submenu: In some rare cases, a different menu item than chosen by the user could be invoked (32/64)
    18.10.17 Release Total Commander 9.10 release candidate 3 (32/64)
    18.10.17 Fixed: Windows 10 Creators Update and Fall Creators Update: when changing scaling (e.g. 100%->150%) in Windows, limit window size to current screen user area (32/64)
    18.10.17 Fixed: Abort sorting manually by custom column with ESC if it hangs for more than 2 seconds (32/64)
    17.10.17 Fixed: The option QuickSearchAllowNoMatch=1 didn't work in the 64-bit version (64)
    17.10.17 Fixed: Dialog boxes wouldn't correctly restore their position on Windows 10 Creators Update after the user changed the scaling of the primary screen (without logging out and back in) (32/64)
    16.10.17 Release Total Commander 9.10 release candidate 2 (32/64)
    16.10.17 Fixed: Disable per screen scaling on Windows 10 if the user changed the scaling of the primary screen, resulting in faulty scaling until the user logged out and back in (32/64)
    16.10.17 Fixed: Go back in history: When a path isn't accessible and the user doesn't pick a different drive, remaining in the same directory, then swap the current and previous path in the history (32/64)
    16.10.17 Fixed: Increased maximum stack size from 512k to 640k due to a stack exhaustion error (0xC00000FD) one user had (32)
    15.10.17 Fixed: F5 - F2 or add files to queue: Use message above WM_USER to send names to the dialog instead of WM_COMMAND (32/64)
    13.10.17 Fixed: Button bar: couldn't set icon size smaller than 16x16 any longer (32/64)
    13.10.17 Fixed: Go back in history: When a network path isn't accessible and the user picks a different drive, replace the network path with that drive in the history (32/64)
    13.10.17 Fixed: Go back in history: When using a (separate) tree, update it with the real directory if we couldn't go to the dir in the history (32/64)
    13.10.17 Fixed: Lister: Couldn't load images via Irfanview when started as a standalone program with /S=L parameter (64)
    13.10.17 Fixed: Lister: Window size could change when switching between files with 'n' and 'p' keys (64)
    13.10.17 Fixed: Lister: No horizontal scrollbar for images larger than the window (64)
    12.10.17 Fixed: History and hotlist buttons were sometimes (partially or fully) hidden after switching button bars with different lines (64)
    12.10.17 Fixed: Hints for history and hotlist were interchanged after recent fix regarding hint font size (64)
    12.10.17 Fixed: Option autocompletetab>0 not working in 64-bit version only (64)
    12.10.17 Fixed: Auto-complete no longer worked in Shift+F4 (32/64)
    12.10.17 Fixed: Ctrl+Left/Right arrows no longer stopped at dots in names in F7 or Shift+F4 (32/64)
    12.10.17 Fixed: Search with 'Everything': Escape the character '!' at the start of the search string with double quotes instead of a backslash, e.g. !test.txt -> "!"test.txt, otherwise the text will not be found in the middle of a name (32/64)
    10.10.17 Release Total Commander 9.10 release candidate 1 (32/64)
    09.10.17 Fixed: Tab height was still changing in classic theme when creating first tab on both sides with multi-line tabs disabled (32/64)
    09.10.17 Fixed: Crash when showing wait to close dialog, fixed by creating dialog without its own class, and setting icon manually (32/64)
    09.10.17 Fixed: F4, Shift+F4, Enter in archive -> wait to close dialog wasn't shown any more even with EditWaitTime>0 (32/64)
    09.10.17 Fixed: Go back in history: Restore history position if reconnecting to ftp server fails (32/64)
    08.10.17 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: Adjust height of color comboboxes also when moving dialog between screens of different dpi (32/64)
    08.10.17 Fixed: Dialog boxes like search were no longer scaled after using some internal commands like OPENLANGUAGEFILE (64)
    08.10.17 Fixed: Crash trying to unpack file from 7z or rar file to path longer than 259 characters - problem with wrapping long names in dialog box (32/64)
    08.10.17 Fixed: SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime crashes on Windows XP for times beyond the year 2559 -> Limit displayed time to 2559 (32/64)
    08.10.17 Fixed: Multi-rename tool, button [E#-#]: Placeholder was added to the name instead of the extension field when using option "Use [first,last]" (32/64)
    08.10.17 Fixed: Multi-rename tool, button [E#-#]: Nothing was added when choosing option "Measure last character from the end". Same problem with [P#-#] and others from the dropdown list (32/64)
    08.10.17 Fixed: Search with 'Everything': Escape the character '!' at the start of the search string, e.g. !test.txt -> \!test.txt, otherwise nothing will be found because '!' means 'not' (32/64)
    08.10.17 Fixed: FTP: Templates can now be given either as ANSI (current system encoding) or UTF-8 for UTF-8 servers (32/64)
    06.10.17 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: Comboboxes not high enough on high DPI screens (32)
    06.10.17 Fixed: FTP: Templates didn't work with UTF-8 encoding if the month name contained an accent (32/64)
    06.10.17 Fixed: Internal associations: Quick toggle on/off by clicking on initial * character -> also toggle multiple extensions, e.g. *.c *.cpp <-> -.c -.cpp (32/64)
    06.10.17 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Tabstop: After clicking on "Default", the "Ext" column was too narrow when using non-standard size format for file lists (32/64)
    06.10.17 Fixed: Set size of the directory history and hotlist button icons depending on the main window font size, not the dialog box scaling (32/64)
    04.10.17 Release Total Commander 9.10 beta 3 (32/64)
    04.10.17 Fixed: Lister: menu line spacing wrong when using OverrideDPI options (64)
    04.10.17 Fixed: Comments didn't work for file names longer than 127 characters from UTF-16 Unicode files (32/64)
    04.10.17 Fixed: Icons in tabs: Icons from desktop.ini and from custom view modes different when using 32x32 icons in file list (32/64)
    03.10.17 Fixed: Configuration - Button bar: Icon wrong for buttons other than the current one when icon name didn't have extension (32/64)
    03.10.17 Fixed: Files - Internal associations: Only standard icon was shown for programs with no extension, e.g. cmd /c instead of cmd.exe /c (32/64)
    02.10.17 Fixed: Always show link overlay for junctions (also pseudo OneDrive junctions) even when overlays are disabled (32/64)
    02.10.17 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Didn't work with directories in OneDrive folder on Windows 10 Fall Creators Update preview (32/64)
    01.10.17 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Load also larger (24x24 and 32x32) custom equal icons if available from content plugins (32/64)
    29.09.17 Fixed: Unpack 7zip file with internal 7zip unpacker: Couldn't pause operation when in background (32/64)
    29.09.17 Fixed: Help file: Column alignment in samples in help for F7/Shift+F4 (32/64)
    29.09.17 Fixed: Scaling of fonts in file hints was different from 32-bit version (64)
    29.09.17 Fixed: F7 and Shift+F4: Combobox in 32-bit and 64-bit versions was set to different dropdown count (10 and 100). Set to 30 for both (32/64)
    29.09.17 Fixed: FTP toolbar: Wrong font size in FTP log list when using a different encoding than "Western" for dialog font (64)
    28.09.17 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: icons for unequal [=/=] and unknown [?] were shown incorrectly (32/64)
    27.09.17 Release Total Commander 9.10 beta 2 (32/64)
    27.09.17 Fixed: Couldn't delete an NTFS link in a protected directory like "Program files" pointing to a file if the target file was deleted (32/64)
    27.09.17 Fixed: Compare by content: "Save as" dialog had wrong size on secondary screen with different DPI (32)
    27.09.17 Fixed: Main configuration dialog: Fixed problems with font sizes when moving dialog box between different dpi screens (32/64)
    27.09.17 Fixed: Lister (F3) could start with wrong font size on Windows 10 Creators Update when its position wasn't saved by the user yet (64)
    27.09.17 Fixed: Lister (F3) could start with tiny window on Windows 10 Creators Update when its position wasn't saved by the user yet (32)
    27.09.17 Fixed: Search for office xml in archives could sometimes cause a crash, depending on the searched office file contents (32/64)
    27.09.17 Fixed: Search for office xml in archives -> zip file containing .docx/.xlsx/etc. files would remain opened/locked after the search ended (32/64)
    27.09.17 Fixed: Ctrl+Right/Left arrow no longer jumped to file under the cursor in the target window (32/64)
    27.09.17 Fixed: F7 and Shift+F4: Allow to create numbered folders/files also in specified path, e.g. <1-5>c:\dir\test[C] or <1-5>[%temp%]\test[C] (32/64)
    27.09.17 Added: Environment variable placeholders: Append backslash to paste only last part of path, other char to replace \ with, e.g. [%TEMP%\] -> temp, [%TEMP%_] -> c_temp
    26.09.17 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Icons on directional buttons and checkboxes between the two sides were not scaled on higher dpi screens (32/64)
    26.09.17 Fixed: Updated the frequently asked questions (FAQ) in the help file (32/64)
    25.09.17 Fixed: Only use user-defined font for groupbox top position calculation on secondary screen with different dpi than main screen (64)
    25.09.17 Fixed: Limit width of custom message dialog (e.g. when showing disk full error) to 2/3 of the current screen width - break longer lines in the middle at spaces or backslashes (32/64)
    25.09.17 Fixed: Search with ev: prefix (Everything unfiltered search): ignore the current directory even when a backslash is present, e.g. "ev:tv/ artist" to find files containing "artist" in dirs ending with "tv" (32/64)
    25.09.17 Fixed: Unpack 7zip file with internal 7zip unpacker (no 7zip plugin installed) via menu or Alt+F9 -> no "Background" button was shown (32/64)
    24.09.17 Fixed: Decode MIME-Encoded files: Still problems with nested boundaries in MIME files (32/64)
    24.09.17 Fixed: Standalone Synchronize dirs (started via /S=S parameter): tab headers were not themed (64)
    24.09.17 Fixed: Copying subdirs from OneDrive not working with IgnoreLinks option set on Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (32/64)
    24.09.17 Fixed: Deleting non-empty subdirs from OneDrive not working on Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (32/64)
    24.09.17 Added: Help for F7 and Shift+F4: Examples for placeholders, especially for multi-item creation like <1-10>[C:2]  (32/64)
    22.09.17 Added: Support environment variables in multi-rename tool, F7 and Shift+F4: [%USERNAME%] or [%USERNAME%1-5] (32/64)
    22.09.17 Fixed: Position and size of standalone compare dialog wasn't saved on exit (64)
    22.09.17 Fixed: Position and size of standalone search/sync/compare dialog was wrong on high DPI screens (32)
    22.09.17 Fixed: Font in hint window (tooltip) for files and buttons too small on Windows 10 Creators Update, on main screen only (64)
    22.09.17 Fixed: Main settings dialog: Line height in list on the left (list of settings pages) not correct after changing DPI (32)
    22.09.17 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Fonts: DPI value wasn't stored correctly any more on Windows versions older than Windows 10 Creators Update (32/64)
    21.09.17 Fixed: "Compare by content": Label "bytes" was badly aligned with combobox (it's not possible to align it 100% correctly for all fonts) (64)
    21.09.17 Fixed: "Compare by content": Label "bytes" was not translated - use string 1330 (32/64)
    21.09.17 Fixed: "Search in separate process" dialog, list of text search plugins: checkboxes were missing (32/64)
    21.09.17 Fixed: "Search in separate process" dialog, list of text search plugins: lines too high (64)
    21.09.17 Fixed: "Search in separate process" dialog: Lines in search results were too high (32/64)
    21.09.17 Fixed: cm_switchlongnames not working with wincmd.ini set to read only (32/64)
    21.09.17 Fixed: New help topic "Environment variables" had some problems with line breaks (32/64)
    20.09.17 Fixed: Auto update check function would report beta versions even with AutoUpdateCheck=2, which should report only release versions (32/64)
    20.09.17 Release Total Commander 9.10 beta 1 (first public beta) (32/64)
    20.09.17 Fixed: Shift+F4 didn't work in empty directories on FTP servers/in file system plugins (32/64)
    20.09.17 Fixed: Icon in 1-2-3-nag dialog used wrong (16x16) icon (64)
    20.09.17 Fixed: Error message when launching programs not very detailed - show windows message (using FormatMessage) in addition to TC message (32/64)
    19.09.17 Fixed: Right click context menu: Entries in "New" submenu were not translated on Windows Vista or newer (32/64)
    19.09.17 Fixed: Dialog box "Commands" - "System information": Font too small on high DPI screens (64)
    19.09.17 Fixed: Get folder sizes via 'Everything' didn't work if Total Commander was started with higher user rights (as administrator) and 'Everything' with normal rights (32/64)
    18.09.17 Fixed: TC was no longer passing 8.3 names to content plugins not supporting Unicode (32/64)
    18.09.17 Fixed: Automatic key download (paste mail with Ctrl+V) was always via HTTP, not via HTTPS (32/64)
    18.09.17 Added: New optional translation string 5062="Change single button" for title bar of single button change dialog (32/64)
    18.09.17 Fixed: Files - Change attributes, click on >> date/time picker: Error beep was played when closing dialog with ESC (64)
    18.09.17 Fixed: Button bar, change single button: using just "explorer" as icon file didn't work (missing .exe extension) (32/64)
    17.09.17 Fixed: Support environment variables like %commander_path% also in path= entry in [left] / [right] sections of wincmd.ini, but only if the name doesn't start with a plugin, ftp server, or UNC path (32/64)
    17.09.17 Fixed: Show symbolic links to folders as a folder icon (with link overlay if overlays are enabled) instead of just a link icon, also when Explorer icons are disabled (32/64)
    17.09.17 Fixed: Xnview was no longer working to load thumbnails or lister images (due to added Unicode support for Irfanview) (32/64)
    17.09.17 Fixed: FTP/file system plugins/archives: Shift+F4 not working when using F4menu or OpenFileTC with a multiple-document editor already running in the background (32/64)
    16.09.17 Fixed: Thumbnails view: Thumbnail lines could be shown as high as in full or brief view when the thumbnail+text surpassed 255 pixels (64)
    15.09.17 Fixed: New placeholder picker button in F7 and Shift+F4 dialogs too narrow (32/64)
    15.09.17 Fixed: Tree could be added as empty line to directory history, e.g. (Ctrl+F8, Alt+Cursor right, Alt+F1 - C) (32/64)
    15.09.17 Fixed: Date picker control (e.g. in "Files" - "Change attributes" - ">>" button) was too narrow (64)
    15.09.17 Fixed: Installer would fail on some XP installations (reason: problem with loading comctl32.dll dynamically from system32 -> uses static linking) (32/64)
    10.09.17 Release Total Commander 9.10 beta 1 pre 3 (private beta) (32/64)
    10.09.17 Added: Apply FontQuality option also to main menu in TC and Lister (64-bit only, not in right click context menus or menus in 32-bit version, because they are not owner drawn) (64)
    10.09.17 Fixed: Right click on button bar button, Change.., Click in field "Icon file", close dialog -> icon index was reset to 0 if the icon file name contained environment variables (32/64)
    10.09.17 Fixed: Shift+F4 not possible in plugins linking to local files like Virtual Panel -> show error (32/64)
    10.09.17 Fixed: Alt+Shift+Enter could cause hang with many 10'000 subdirectories, with or without 'Everything' option (32/64)
    10.09.17 Fixed: 'Apply' button wasn't enabled when clicking on 'Everything' option in Configuration - Options - Operation (32/64)
    08.09.17 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] set TranslateMessageButtons=0 to NOT translate buttons in MessageBox windows to current Total Commander language (e.g. Shift+Delete) (32/64)
    08.09.17 Fixed: No translation for warning about missing dir size index in 'Everything' when activating the option to get folder sizes from 'Everything' in the settings (32/64)
    08.09.17 Fixed: Translation of OK button used wrong string from lng file (32/64)
    07.09.17 Fixed: The icons for folders with a desktop.ini file could differ in the file list and the tab header (SHGetFileInfo called differently, once with idlist and once with path name) (32/64)
    06.09.17 Fixed: File system plugins, upload/download in background, try close TC -> program was closed even when the user chose "No" (32/64)
    06.09.17 Fixed: Symbolic link files to programs (.exe) were only shown with a standard icon (32/64)
    06.09.17 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] MftAllowed=0 By default, access to drive:\$MFT and below will be blocked, to prevent a Windows crash. Do not enable unless you have changed the permissions of $MFT to access it (32/64)
    06.09.17 Fixed: Shift+F4 new file: Didn't work in file system plugins if the plugin didn't download any existing file, but reported success -> no new temp file was created (32/64)
    06.09.17 Fixed: Master password dialog still not in foreground in 64-bit version (64)
    05.09.17 Fixed: FTP: Keep alive during transfers was sent too often when the PC had a long uptime >=25 days (problem with GetTickCount returning DWORD instead of longint) (64)
    05.09.17 Fixed: Lister: Switching between text and binary mode could change the Lister size (if one mode had a horizontal scrollbar and one not) (64)
    04.09.17 Release Total Commander 9.10 beta 1 pre 2 (private beta) (32/64)
    04.09.17 Fixed: Look for paths starting with D:/$MFT/ and do not try to access them with FindFirstFile, CreateFile, CreateDirectory, or SetCurrentDirectory to prevent Windows crash (32/64)
    04.09.17 Added: Shift+F4 new file: Now also works in archives, on FTP servers, and with file system plugins (single files only, no counters) (32/64)
    04.09.17 Fixed: Shift+F4 new file: F10 (Tree) was no longer working - now it works when NOT using placeholders (32/64)
    03.09.17 Fixed: Breadcrumb bar: Trying to access a file system plugin would show the master password input dialog behind the breadcrumb dropdown list (32/64)
    01.09.17 Added: Shift+F4 new file: Use same placeholders as in F7 new folder and multi-rename tool (32/64)
    01.09.17 Fixed: F7 new folder: Use separate text controls for rename preview first/last file (when using a counter) (32/64)
    29.08.17 Fixed: F7 new folder, placeholder menu: '<' prefix wasn't added automatically before placeholders (32/64)
    29.08.17 Fixed: F7 new folder, placeholder menu: Separator was shown as '-' and clickable instead of horizontal line (32/64)
    29.08.17 Fixed: No accents were shown in F7 new folder - placeholder menu, they appeared as '?' instead (64)
    28.08.17 Release Total Commander 9.10 beta 1 pre 1 (private beta) (32/64)
    28.08.17 Fixed: View modes: Do not call "Auto-run commands" exit command (after "|") for previous view mode of a tab when starting (32/64)
    28.08.17 Fixed: Lister: The keyboard didn't work in the "Print" dialog - it only worked after clicking on a control (64)
    28.08.17 Added: One more parameter added to installer: /N"user" sets user for desktop and start menu shortcuts. /N* installs them for all users. Note: All parameters MUST be passed in one group after a single slash, e.g. /AHN"testuser"D0G (auto-install, hidden, user "testuser", no desktop icon, group icons (32/64)
    25.08.17 Fixed: Adjust custom columns to DPI changes too. May need to re-save custom column positions to make it work (stores screen DPI) (32/64)
    23.08.17 Added: Configuration - Options - Operation: Option to use "Everything" to get directory sizes via Alt+Shift+Enter and/or spacebar. Needs recent Everything version with folder size index enabled (32/64)
    22.08.17 Fixed: Lister: Also scroll images with finger on touch screen (32/64)
    22.08.17 Added: Command line parameters: Pass .tab file (instead of a directory name) to load the saved tabs (replacing the current tabs) (32/64)
    22.08.17 Added: Synchronize dirs: Checksum with file system plugin: support plugin-specific checksums - the plugin has to return the checksum for both the remote and the local file (32/64)
    22.08.17 Added: Create directory (F7) also in RAR archives (32/64)
    22.08.17 Added: Create a range of numbered directories also in file system plugins, archives, virtual folders like the desktop, and on FTP servers (32/64)
    21.08.17 Fixed: Drag file from within ZIP to some programs like Visual Studio 2017 could cause a crash (reason: VS tried to release the DataObject much later, when it was already destroyed by TC) (64)
    21.08.17 Added: Create directory (F7), create a range of numbered directories: [C] placeholder takes same options as in multi-rename tool, e.g. <1-20>[C10+5:3] create 20 folders, starts at 10, steps by 5, uses 3 digits width (32/64)
    21.08.17 Added: Create directory (F7): Create a range of numbered directories, e.g. <5-10>test[C] creates folders test05, test06, test07, test08, test09, test10. The number of digits is determined by the highest number, but can be set via parameter, e.g. [C:2] (32/64)
    20.08.17 Added: Create directory (F7): Support the same placeholders as in the multi-rename tool, e.g. [YMD] for date. [T3] is the default for date formats (current date). Line must start with < character (32/64)
    20.08.17 Added: Multi-rename tool: New modificators [T1], [T2]. and [T3] determine the used date/time for all date/time fields after this position. T1 is the default (file last modified date) (32/64)
    20.08.17 Added: Multi-rename tool: New placeholder [i]: am/pm indicator in English, e.g. for time format 10.30pm. Use [i1] for just a or p, e.g. 10.30p. (32/64)
    20.08.17 Added: Multi-rename tool: New placeholder [H]: Paste hours, always in 12 hour 2 digit format (1-12) (32/64)
    15.08.17 Added: Button bar: Support icons from Windows 8/10 store apps, icon must be defined as @anyname.ext (also works for non-store apps, even on older Windows versions) (32/64)
    14.08.17 Added: Lister: Start auto-scrolling when moving finger quickly vertically over lister window, stop with another tap (32/64)
    14.08.17 Added: Lister: Select text on a touch screen by moving a finger across the screen when text already selected (e.g. via double tap) (32/64)
    14.08.17 Fixed: Lister didn't react to touch screen - use for vertical and horizontal text scrolling (32/64)
    14.08.17 Fixed: Synchronize dirs, with FTP: Ignore seconds when comparing and the server sends the time only with hours and minutes (e.g. default Unix format) (32/64)
    14.08.17 Fixed: Synchronize dirs, with FTP: When deleting just an empty folder (no files) from a subfolder, that subfolder wasn't reloaded, so the deleted folder was still displayed (32/64)
    13.08.17 Fixed: Internal 7zip unpacker: Show missing timestamp as ? and not as 1.1.1601 (32/64)
    13.08.17 Fixed: ENTER on archives in temporary panel plugin no longer opened them internally. Instead, they were launched with the associated programs (32/64)
    13.08.17 Fixed: Position of TC wrong when starting it on Windows 10 when the user changed the scaling (e.g. 125% -> 150%) after logging in (32/64)
    13.08.17 Added: When changing screen resolution and the main window position was saved in that resolution, resize TC to the saved resolution (only when on same screen) (32/64)
    09.08.17 Fixed: FTP: Search, feed to listbox, select some files/folders in subdirs, search again in selected only -> nothing was found (32/64)
    08.08.17 Fixed: Open file/program by double click within a file system link with relative path -> launch with target name as before, but with link directory as current location (32/64)
    08.08.17 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: junctions (mklink /J) were incorrectly detected as infinite loops and skipped if the link name was 1 char longer than the target, and both in the same directory, e.g. dir$ -> dir (32/64)
    08.08.17 Fixed: Menu font size was wrong on Windows 7 after adding DPI support for Windows 10 (64)
    08.08.17 Fixed: "Background" button not working with some packer plugins like Total7zip when another operation was moved to background and ended before clicking "Background" again (32/64)
    06.08.17 Added: Auto-install icon library, set type=prg and file=WCMICONsomeUniqueName.DLL -> set this library as the default, and reload button bars (32/64)
    06.08.17 Added: Internal 7zip unpacker: Support background unpacking, multiple archives in parallel (32/64)
    06.08.17 Added: Multi-rename tool, regular expressions: In "Replace with", support parameters \U, \L, \F, \n to convert from this point on to uppercase, lowercase, first char in word uppercase, and back to unchanged (32/64)
    06.08.17 Fixed: Translate buttons Yes, No, OK, Cancel in standard Windows MessageBox on NT based systems (note: MessageBoxEx does NOT work) (32/64)
    04.08.17 Added: Windows Vista and newer: Support GUIDs in environment variables, e.g. %${374DE290-123F-4565-9164-39C4925E467B}% -> downloads folder, same as %$Downloads% (32/64)
    04.08.17 Added: Windows Vista and newer: Support new pseudo environment variables described here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd378457.aspx. Leave out prefix FOLDERID_, e.g. FOLDERID_Downloads -> %$Downloads% . Only fields with "Default Path" option are supported (32/64)
    04.08.17 Fixed: Button bar: Icons loaded from .ICO files were scaled worse (by LoadImage) than the same icons loaded from EXE/DLL files. Use LoadIconWithScaleDown instead if available (32/64)
    26.07.17 Fixed: FTP, inplace rename: Support the following names: subdir/ moves file to specified subdirectory, .. or ../ moves it one level up (32/64)
    26.07.17 Fixed: Change sort order: With aa.txt and AA.txt in same dir on ftp server or in an archive, the wrong file could be focused after re-sorting (32/64)
    26.07.17 Fixed: Folder tabs: With aa.txt and AA.txt in same dir on ftp server or in an archive, switching to a different tab and back could place cursor on wrong current file, or re-select the wrong file (32/64)
    26.07.17 Fixed: Search function, go to file: Handle the case of multiple files with same name but different case in the same location, e.g. aa.txt and AA.txt on ftp server or in an archive (32/64)
    17.07.17 Fixed: In the OneDrive folder on Windows 10 (fall creators update preview 2017), Windows reported overlay icons with index 0, resulting in overdrawing all icons with a default file icon (32/64)
    17.07.17 Fixed: Show symbolic links to folders as a folder icon (with link overlay if overlays are enabled) instead of just a link icon (32/64)
    17.07.17 Fixed: Could not launch files in OneDrive folder on Windows 10 preview (fall creators update preview 2017) (32/64)
    17.07.17 Fixed: Verify checksums: new option ChecksumExtraTypes takes precedence over checksums in the file name or in the clipboard (32/64)
    17.07.17 Fixed: Option "Icons: EXE/LNK not on floppy" only checked for drive letters A or B, not whether the drive really was a floppy disk drive (32/64)
    17.07.17 Fixed: Decode MIME-Encoded files: Nested boundaries were not supported, e.g. Multipart/Mixed (mail+binary attachment) containing mail of type Multipart/Alternative (e.g. text+html) with nested boundaries (32/64)
    16.07.17 Added: Support URLs to Windows shares in the form smb://server/share/subdir , e.g. via command line parameters (32/64)
    16.07.17 Fixed: Internal content plugin "tc": Version information fields didn't support long file names with more than 259 characters (32/64) 
    16.07.17 Fixed: Content plugins: "delayed" field (loaded in background thread) didn't work for file names longer than 511 characters (32/64)
    12.07.17 Added: Search with Everything: If Everything 1.4 or newer is installed, pass parameters "size" and "date from/to" to Everything to let it handle the matching (32/64)
    12.07.17 Fixed: Search with Everything: Catch out of memory error, revert to normal search (32/64)
    12.07.17 Fixed: Search with Everything: Free result transfer buffer when done searching, not only when doing the next search (32/64)
    10.07.17 Fixed: On Windows 10, load Uiautomationcore.dll at program start, otherwise TC may crash randomly due to a Windows 10 bug (32/64)
    10.07.17 Fixed: Buttonbar: limiting the number of button bar lines with wincmd.ini [buttonbar] barlimitlines=x didn't work when vertical button bar was active (32/64)
    10.07.17 Fixed: F5 copy, auto rename on name collisions: separate number (2) by a space from the file name, just like the Explorer and multi-rename tool (32/64)
    10.07.17 Added: Multiple screens with different DPI support: Completed port to 64-bit, fixed bugs in 32-bit (32/64)
    07.07.17 Added: Let the user configure different file icon sizes for each DPI value, depending on which screen the main program is displayed (32/64)
    04.07.17 Added: Make coordinate transformation from DPI unaware to DPI aware ourselves (32/64)
    04.07.17 Added: Synchronize dirs: Load different button icons depending on screen DPI (32/64)
    23.06.17 Added: Start porting DPI per screen functions from 32-bit to 64-bit (64)
    14.06.17 Added: DPI: Better default sizes for various dialogs depending on current screen DPI (32)
    13.06.17 Added: DPI: Save OverrideDpi values separately for each screen DPI value, so the user can scale dialogs differently on multiple screens (32)
    12.06.17 Added: DPI: Reload button bar icons in background thread and use scaled icons with wrong size in the meantime when dragging between screens (32)
    07.06.17 Added: DPI: Scale button bar icons, ftp toolbar, various dialogs (32)
    06.06.17 Added: DPI: Scale button bar configuration dialogs (32)
    06.06.17 Added: DPI: Scale various other dialogs like the multi-rename tool, find files dialog etc. (32)
    02.06.17 Added: DPI: Scale "Synchronize dirs" dialog (32)
    29.05.17 Added: DPI: Scale icons in main menu, font in hints and Lister (32)
    26.05.17 Added: DPI: Scale icons in drive button bar and drive dropdown comboboxes (32)
    26.05.17 Added: Multiple screens with different DPI support: Scale fonts in file lists, main window and dialog boxes (32/64)
    25.05.17 Added: Call "SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext" on Windows 10 creators update to handle multiple screens with different DPI settings (32/64)
    25.05.17 Added: Start working on support for multiple screens with different DPI at the same time, e.g. one 4K screen and one full HD screen (32)
    22.05.17 Fixed: Crash copying from archive to virtual folder (64)
    19.05.17 Fixed: Upload to file system plugin, target exists, rename -> user was asked to overwrite even if no file existed with the new name (32/64)
    15.05.17 Fixed: Synchronize dirs, asymmetric mode, left side shows archive content, right side directory with that archive -> archive was (invisibly) marked for deletion (32/64)
    12.05.17 Added: Synchronize dirs: Checksum with file system plugin: support also SHA256 and SHA512 (32/64)
    10.05.17 Added: Synchronize dirs: use file system plugin checksum functions to compare by content (32/64)
    10.05.17 Added: New file system plugin functions to get checksums (CRC32, MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512) (32/64)
    10.05.17 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Cannot read archives detected by content only, e.g. some exe files unpacked with Total7zip (32/64)
    09.05.17 Fixed: Speed buttons flickering when mouse enters/exits their position (classic theme only), e.g. buttons in multi-rename tool (64)
    09.05.17 Fixed: Division by zero error could occur in thumbnail view with very narrow file window (32/64)
    09.05.17 Fixed: Show link icon for link files where the icon wasn't loaded yet, or will not be loaded (e.g. lnk files on the desktop with "EXE/LNK not on net" checked) (32/64)
    09.05.17 Fixed: Content plugin field picker dialog: Preview field couldn't show & character (e.g. in name a&b.txt) (32/64)
    07.05.17 Added: Paste button to button bar: accept also Unicode text directly (32/64)
    07.05.17 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] ChecksumExtraTypes=*.sum adds extra patterns to recognize as checksum files for menu Files - Verify checksums (32/64)
    07.05.17 Fixed: Never start any program when user presses Ctrl+PageDown on a file (32/64)
    05.05.17 Fixed: Reviewed all the changes, fixed incomplete or not working functions (32/64)
    30.04.17 Fixed: 64-bit uninstaller tcunin64.exe: Also delete uninstall registry key from 32-bit branch if present (64)
    30.04.17 Fixed: Uninstaller tcuninst.exe/tcunin64.exe sometimes failed to delete itself (32/64)
    30.04.17 Fixed: 64-bit installer and combined 32+64-bit installer: remove uninstall entry from 32-bit registry branch created by older installers (32/64)
    30.04.17 Fixed: RAR files: Some of the displayed timestamps would differ from the timestamps after unpacking (need to call TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime) (32/64)
    27.04.17 Added: Support Unicode names when loading images via Irfanview (needs new Unicode version of Irfanview) (32/64)
    27.04.17 Fixed: Loading thumbnails via Irfanview from TC 64-bit didn't work correctly (32/64)
    26.04.17 Added: Enable/disable crypto API for checksums manually: wincmd.ini [Configuration] UseChecksumCryptoApi= 0:disabled, 1:enabled (except when faulty on XP/2003), 2:force also when faulty (32/64)
    26.04.17 Fixed: Bug in Microsoft crypto API to calculate SHA512 checksums on Windows XP and Server 2003 only, and only for files > 512MB -> use slower internal functions (32/64)
    24.04.17 Added: Compare by content: Set width in binary mode to 8, 16, 24 or 32 bytes (32/64)
    24.04.17 Added: Set font quality (e.g. force antialiasing on/off): wincmd.ini [Configuration] FontQuality= 0:DEFAULT, 3:NONANTIALIASED, 4:ANTIALIASED, 5:CLEARTYPE, 6:CLEARTYPE_NATURAL (32/64)
    23.04.17 Fixed: Lister (32 or 64) couldn't use x64 Irfanview to view additional file types (reason: I_View64 sends invalid bitmap header). Will be fixed both in TC and Irfanview (32/64)
    23.04.17 Fixed: F5 copy: Aborting the counting of the files before copying didn't work in some cases (e.g. just one directory selected, containing many subdirs and files) (32/64)
    23.04.17 Added: Quick search with search dialog/quick filter: allow to enter/paste a search text leading to 0 matching files: wincmd.ini [Configuration] QuickSearchAllowNoMatch=1 (32/64)
    23.04.17 Fixed: Changed the names used to load default icons from c:\xyz* to C:\TC_FolderIcon, C:\TC_ExeIcon.exe and C:\TC_NoIcon.tcnoicon to make it clear for what they are used (32/64)
    23.04.17 Fixed: Separate quick view window (Ctrl+Shift+Q): Do not switch focus to Total Commander when user presses n or p key (next/previous file in list) (32/64)
    05.04.17 Fixed: Command line: cd %commander_exe% while quick search filter active -> quick search filter wasn't removed when changing to the directory containing that file (32/64)
    04.04.17 Fixed: Lister: View UTF-8-encoded HTML file with byte order marker (no plugins installed), press 7 then 4 -> caret not shown (64)
    04.04.17 Fixed: Lister: View UTF-8-encoded HTML file with byte order marker (no plugins installed), press 7 then 5 -> caret position wrong (32/64)
    04.04.17 Fixed: Lister: View UTF-8-encoded HTML file with byte order marker (no plugins installed), press 7 then 4 -> first 3 characters not shown (32/64)
    04.04.17 Fixed: Lister: NTFS file system links to image files were shown as text because the size reported is 0 (32/64)
    03.04.17 Fixed: Could not unpack stored AES-encrypted ZIP files with header behind the file and sizes in front set to 0 (32/64)
    31.03.17 Fixed: Binary compare UTF-8 encoded files by content: unprintable characters like line breaks were shown with red dots although there was no difference (32/64)
    31.03.17 Fixed: Create CRC checksums in branch view or search results: Do not sort by folder unless the user has checked separate checksums per folder (32/64)
    24.03.17 Fixed: Setting option 
    [Lister] NoMediaFileTypes=*.txt disabled viewing as image/plugin in Ctrl+Q not only for the viewed file, but for all files after it until closing Ctrl+Q (32/64)
    24.03.17 Fixed: Verify after copy: retry up to 3 times to open target file if it fails (e.g. because writing is still not done) (32/64)
    24.03.17 Fixed: Don't try to get volume label from floppy disk drive when hovering with mouse over the button (32/64)
    24.03.17 Fixed: Comments from descript.ion can be wrong when the descript.ion file contains a mix of Windows and Linux style line breaks (32/64)
    22.03.17 Fixed: Copy, delete, calculate occupied space: prevent stack overflow with very deep directories by checking remaining stack size (32)
    20.03.17 Fixed: Installer: Only load dlls from Windows and System folders (32/64)
    20.03.17 Added: Content plugins: Show error when plugin is missing, or <?> in 64-bit when only 32-bit plugin is detected (32/64)
    08.03.17 Added: Lister, html viewer: Support for &trade; placeholder. Note: Only works in some encodings like UTF-8, Western, Central European, Windows Cyrillic (32/64)
    Link nur für registrierte und freigeschaltete Mitglieder sichtbar.

  12. #12
    Premium User

    Registriert seit
    Danke für deine Uploads!

    Wenn ich den Link oben anklicke, geht gleich der Download los. Macht ja nichts, kann ich abbrechen. Wollte nur schauen, was es dort (noch) zum Download gibt.

    Dann stöbere ich in der Dowloadrubrik
    Link nur für registrierte und freigeschaltete Mitglieder sichtbar. - Link nur für registrierte und freigeschaltete Mitglieder sichtbar. - Link nur für registrierte und freigeschaltete Mitglieder sichtbar. - Link nur für registrierte und freigeschaltete Mitglieder sichtbar. - Link nur für registrierte und freigeschaltete Mitglieder sichtbar.

    und finde WinSCP-5.11.3 Link nur für registrierte und freigeschaltete Mitglieder sichtbar.
    Was ist das gleich wieder für ein Programm?
    In der Beschreibung steht nur der Dateiname. — Mir fällt ein, dass es ein freies, kostenloses FTP-Programm ist.

    - Ein Link auf einen / den Thread bei all deinen Uploads würde sie perfekt machen.

    Findet man in diesem Fall aber vielleicht auch über die Boardsuche Link nur für registrierte und freigeschaltete Mitglieder sichtbar.

    Lass den (Rück-)Link aber ruhig weg, weil es doch Mehrarbeit bedeutet, bevor du im Fleiß des Hochladens nachläßt.
    Geändert von suggus (18.12.2017 um 22:09 Uhr)

  13. #13
    Total Commander 9.21 final

    Total Commander 9.21 (final) für Windows verfügbar!

    15. August 2018: Total Commander 9.21 (final) ist ab sofort verfügbar.

    Dieses Update korrigiert einige Fehler, die nach dem Release von Total Commander 9.20 gefunden wurden. Komplette Liste hier (Englisch).

    Neue Funktionen in Total Commander 9.21:

    Via wincmd.ini kann man neu einstellen, bei wie vielen Zeichen der Lister den Text umbrechen soll, wenn der Textumbruch deaktiviert wurde (beliebig lange Zeilen sind von der Funktionsweise her nicht möglich).
    Via wcx_ftp.ini kann man einstellen, ob nach dem Neu-Hochladen einer bearbeiteten Datei ins Verzeichnis der Datei zurückgewechselt werden soll.

    Das Update ist für alle registrierten Benutzer gratis (auch des älteren Windows Commander) - einfach die neue Version über die registrierte installieren !

    Link nur für registrierte und freigeschaltete Mitglieder sichtbar.

  14. #14
    Total Commander 9.21a Final

    21.08.18 Release Total Commander 9.21a final (32/64)
    18.08.18 Fixed: Compare by content: Disable button "Show only differences" during comparison, otherwise clicking it in the wrong moment could cause a crash (32/64)
    16.08.18 Fixed: Ctrl+E and ESC (only with auto-complete+auto-append disabled) no longer worked in command line (32/64)
    16.08.18 Fixed: Icons in menus: Selected items could no longer be shown as pressed buttons instead of checkmarks after saving icon options once (32/64)
    15.08.18 Fixed: Crash when passing path to zip file to TC (e.g. from external Everything.exe), mostly on 64-bit (32/64)
    15.08.18 Release Total Commander 9.21 final (32/64)
    15.08.18 Fixed: Search in background: click on "Go to file" not going to files inside archives (64)
    14.08.18 Fixed: FTP/FTPS via HTTP CONNECT proxy: Always send server name instead of IP address to proxy, also for data connections (can be overridden with SpecialFlags=1024) (32/64)
    14.08.18 Fixed: Link overlay icons were shown for custom icons in file system plugin, e.g. for connections in SFTP (32)

    Link nur für registrierte und freigeschaltete Mitglieder sichtbar.

  15. #15
    Premium User

    Registriert seit
    02. August 2023: Total Commander 11.00 (final) ist verfügbar! Link unten funktioniert.
    26. Oktober 2022: Total Commander 10.52 final ist ab sofort verfügbar!
    Das Update auf 10.52 korrigiert vor allem Fehler, es gibt aber auch ein paar neue Funktionen…
    Link nur für registrierte und freigeschaltete Mitglieder sichtbar.
    Ersetzt und alte Version gelöscht: 29. März 2019: Total Commander 9.22a (final) (32+64 bit) für Windows verfügbar
    Diese Version behebt kleinere Fehler, die nach dem Release von Total Commander 9.22 gefunden wurden. Version 9.22 korrigiert hauptsächlich eine Sicherheitslücke in unacev2.dll, die zum Entpacken von ACE-Archiven verwendet wird.
    Geändert von suggus (13.08.2023 um 17:34 Uhr) Grund: 230813Version 11.00|221222Version 10.52

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