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Unicam Loader 4.03c für Windows


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Unicam Loader 4.03c für Windows

Datei Informationen

  • Autor bevatron
  • Uploaded 16.12.2014, 11:53
  • Letzte Update 02.02.2015, 17:46
  • Kategorie UniCam/EVO 4.0
  • Gesamt Downloads 2688


  • UnicamLoader-4.03c_Windows.zip 1,34 MB

Change Log for unicamLoader

- fixed a bug where the loader was locking on the 0% progress status
- changed "RSA-box keys Update" to "ModBox Update" for a better consistency
- Linux GUI and Mac OS X version only: fixed a bug when pressing the "Stop" button that was crashing the application
- Linux GUI version only: when selecting the COM port drop down menu it will list connected USB-programmer that were disconnected when the software was started
- Mac OS X version only: added support starting from 10.4 and higher versions

- fixed a compatibility problem with SSE instructions on old CPUs

- fixed a bug on selecting v4 hardware in Windows version of loader

- first public version

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