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Python 1.93


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Python 1.93

Datei Informationen

  • Autor
  • Uploaded 15.12.2015, 06:14
  • Letzte Update 15.12.2015, 06:14
  • Kategorie Firmware
  • Gesamt Downloads 135


  • python_1.93.zip 383,7 KB

Mehr von diesem Benutzer

Python 1.93

[HOT] Canal Digitaal (M7 Group) “paired” (HD) channels support added (via SECA MediaGuard3 Nano 01)

[HOT] TV Vlaanderen (M7 Group) “paired” (HD) channels support added (via SECA MediaGuard3 Nano 01)

[HOT] SRG SSR ViACCESS 6.0 SmartCard added to Supported SmartCards

Fixed sporadic HD+ HD04 (186A) dropouts

[Auto PMT] Improved repairability of broken CA PMTs sent by certain buggy iDTVs/STBs

[Auto PMT] Also do CAT/EMM in case the PAT/PMT download fails

[Auto PMT] Support for multiple PMTs (for different channels/SIDs) inside a single PMT PID stream added

Fixed recordings not playable on some devices/players when descrambling suddenly stops mid-stream (like on Sky Select PPV immediately after a booked event due to EPG post-recording time)

Fixed potential memory corruption when using blockers for both slots (ISO and SIM) simultaneously

Some maintenance work, minor fixes and improvements

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