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The Last Drakkar


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The Last Drakkar

Datei Informationen

  • Autor Pumuckel
  • Uploaded 29.03.2016, 03:30
  • Letzte Update 26.03.2022, 08:13
  • Kategorie Sonstiges
  • Gesamt Downloads 715


  • LD_beta_653.rar 585,0 KB
  • LD_beta_654.rar 585,0 KB
  • LD_beta_657.rar 584,0 KB
  • LD_beta_672.rar 591,2 KB
  • LD_stable_628.rar 579,7 KB
  • LD_stable_647.rar 583,9 KB
  • LD_stable_666.rar 591,1 KB

Das ist ein Tool mit dem man EMM´s anhand der Kartennummer loggen kann.

What was changed from stable version:

- Fixed Viaccess nano pharser nano D8

- Logger tab PID Scan added Private data field

- Added logger PID list, now LD showd Provider ID and for all systems even if PID repeats

- Added viaccess card version recognize (v6.0 and v7.0)
- Added cmds parser for T=1 and ack cmds on haddwareLogger tab
- Fixed viccess logger pid list

Diskussionsthread: --> Thema: [Anleitung] EMM´s an Hand der Kartennummer loggen

Quelle: thelastdrakkar.com

We are not responsible for any damage using the program !
The tool is completely legal !
It has no features to break any of the coding systems !
This project started in March 2012. We worked every day after work, during work, at night and in the weekends, we have devoted a lot of time invested , buy all sorts of electronics, card readers, tuners, subscriptions etc.
Everything is done to make the appropriate tests.
The program supports coding systems as:
Small Manual


- Read
read info from the card's
- Extra Info
it depend of system , more info from the card's
- Send
manual send cmd's , direct send etc
- Calc
many calculator's hex/dec/bin/date/xor/atr etc etc
- RSA calc
rsa calculator
info about emm/ecm
- PreToPost
converting emm/ecm from pre cam to post cam
- Invert
inverting data , cleaning etc
- Bombing
send random or not emm/ecm to card's
- Bin to Txt
converting emm/ecm from bin file to txt with different header, sorting by header or UA/SA, deduplication , search in file , copy in pre cam & post cam format
- Brute Force
play with cmd's
- Loger
based on dvbsnoop , for logging emm/ecm
- LogerHardware
for logging comunication
- Donate
If you think that we made a good job ... donate is your free choice
- About
thx to ...

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