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DeltaCam Firmware Python 1.56


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DeltaCam Firmware Python 1.56

Datei Informationen

  • Autor
  • Uploaded 27.05.2014, 16:33
  • Letzte Update 06.11.2014, 16:15
  • Kategorie Firmware
  • Gesamt Downloads 37


  • python_01.56.zip 302,7 KB

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Python 1.56

Changes since version 1.55:

- Rearranged SmartCard/SIM Card Info in CAM menu (information is split up in user and debug relevant stuff)
- Again improved EMM (SmartCard activation/update) reliability for ViACCESS (affecting SRG SSR for example, thanks örlgrey for testing)
- EMMs are now filtered for all providers on SECA MediaGuard SmartCards (thanks Pumuckel for testing)
- Fixed potential ECM PID selection issue with multi-provider SECA SmartCards
- [Dynamic CAID] Fixed potential SmartCard hot-plug issue with devices (e.g. VANTAGE) refusing to descramble after transmitting an empty CAID list

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